My Take on CV This video was recorded in early April 2020 at the start of the ‘lockdown’. I never released it to the public as it was one of the first videos I ever recorded, and is unedited, so is completely amateur and raw! But I decided to share …
My Early Take on CV

EFT Tapping Tutorial
Here’s a ‘mini morsels’ video on EFT Tapping, along with comments on this method when considering the 5 biological laws of nature 🙂 You can visit the founder Gary Craig’s website for full tutorials and demonstrations HERE
Memes and Notes
Please feel free to download/upload these memes to your social media.
COVID19 – The Only thing to Fear is Fear Itself
You may also see my article on the fear of Covid Vaccines: Are you Getting Caught up in the CV Fear? HERE My Take on COVID-19 from the GNM Perspective. I’d prefer not to be giving this coronavirus issue any energy but due to so many questions I am receiving, …
Protected: True ‘Prevention’ of Serious Disease
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Could There be a ‘Brexit Flu’?
The Potential Implications of Brexit from a GNM Perspective When Brexit is finally done, I’m predicting there may be some kind of outbreak of some sort of disease or multiple diseases. These could possibly be concerning the bronchi, pancreas, stomach, gall bladder, coronary arteries, rectum or GI tract. There could …

Daily Blessing for Self Love
This is a Blessing I wrote which is inspired by different techniques and meditations that helped me through a period of extreme anxiety. We need to practice self love as we cannot give from an empty cup. This daily blessing is written to assist you to fill your cup so …
Making a Chembuster
NOTE (update Sept ’24): I have sourced some excellent quality double-terminated quartz points and can supply latex tubing. They are available at Shop Holistic here: This article has been featured by No-dig gardener Charles Dowding on Richard Vobes show HERE (towards the end of the show) Chembusters are also …

How to Ask Your Body (Muscle Testing)
Energy testing such as Muscle Testing is an ideal way to ask you body what it wants and needs, so you can take the guesswork out of supporting your health. This is perfect for using with GNM as the body will tell you if anything is interfering with its natural …

The Magnesium Deficiency Epidemic
This is adapted from an original short draft of a chapter in my book and an article published in the international “Health Freedom News” magazine. The extensive research I have carried out on magnesium and the repeated low magnesium levels showing on the hair mineral tests I analyse, led me …