Lloyd and I have been sent quite a few videos and articles recently that are fearfully stating that vaccine shedding (or stating is not shedding but something similar) is adversely affecting unvaccinated people when they come into contact with the recently vaccinated. We’ve had a few discussions re GNM between ourselves and with others who are aware of the biological laws regarding this, and wanted to share our thoughts on why we consider this to be fake news/disinformation.
Firstly, there is no virus so there is nothing to shed. Regarding something manmade, could it be possible that something could be made to override our biological programs and disregard germ layers and defies the biological laws of nature? According to Helmut Pilhar who worked with Dr Hamer until not long before his death, not likely. (You’ll find his video on biological warfare on YouTube, click HERE).
Those claiming the threat of vaccinated people are basically reaffirming Contagion Theory which, on understanding the 5 Biological Laws, we know this is not true. (You may also wish to see Dr Stefan Lanka’s presentation on The History of Contagion HERE)
As I’ve said from the start, FEAR is the virus. There is no need for a physical biological weapon when there is an emotional one that can be spread like wildfire (also see my article HERE). So in this way, a “manmade virus” could be classified a follows: “manmade” = the idea of a potential Threat which can trigger a conflict reaction (and therefore physical symptoms), “virus” = the exosomes or cells produced when they are stressed from fear.
Remember that those who are not getting vaccinated are generally not fearful, as they understand there is no need for a vaccine for one reason or another.
My own Experience
I recently had a client who told me she had the CV vaccine the week before seeing me. The previous evening I had seen one of these fear videos and I felt myself immediately reacting to my clients statement, internally feeling the ‘shudder’ of a DHS/Conflict Shock! Lo and behold, I then had a chesty cough and cold, which confirms to me I had experienced a scare fright conflict & a stink conflict!! It was this reaction that prompted mine and Lloyd’s conversation into what had actually occurred when considering Dr Hamer’s Laws.
I realised that after watching this fear video, I’d had the thought that maybe I should start wearing a mask and gloves and using hand sanitiser when seeing clients who’d had the vaccine, or even make a statement that I would not see recently vaccinated people!! We then realised that something had triggered my old way of thinking from a fear-based perspective, and that is what prompted our thoughts that this was a psychological operation. Of course, a psy-op would be needed to reach those who were not fearful, so as we, too, would be turned into fearful mask wearers, who would further divide ourselves from those who we love who have succumbed to the fear and received a vaccine (just as they are made to be afraid of those not having the vaccine!)
Lloyd and I believe that this fear of the recently-vaccinated is a disinformation campaign being spread purposefully amongst the anti-vax and awakened souls to create the fear in these people too! This is how they spread their “manmade virus” to those that cannot otherwise be reached, and further divide us!! After all, the greatest fear of tyrannical leaders is the day we stand together!
So how can GNM explain the symptoms and reactions we’re seeing?
Everything I’ve seen so far can be explained using the 5 biological laws. The vaccine people are taking can either be resolving their conflicts or causing them.
More recently, though we’ve heard from some (what appear to be) reputable sources about children as young as 2 having periods and clotting with no sign of abuse. Now they would be to young to have the fear conditioning to bring about conflicts this way. We’ve been thinking that maybe there is some other explanation such as a xenoestrogen affecting people such as increased fluoride in the water or a new GM soy added to food, and the waters are conveniently being muddied by the vaccine effects and people are making assumptions.
What we tend to forget is that children have a very strong connection with their parents and therefore pick up on their emotions, fears and beliefs, particularly the very young. So a fearful and anxious parent can actually cause a child or baby to have an empathic conflict shock. This can even happen in the womb!
My Advice
It is very easy to fall back into the fear-based existence we have been brought up in when we are faced with such triggers. We need to stay in the love-based existence we awakened into when we learnt about the biological laws by reassessing everything we hear we need to consider if the information we’re reading or watching is possible when you consider the Laws. If it isn’t, you can dismiss it and do not let it enter your consciousness!
Remember, anyone can say anything and call it science when there are no laws to adhere to! When science is built upon theories and hypotheses disregarding the laws, it is NOT true science but a belief system, and as people are brainwashed into it, in essence it is a cult!
I’m not saying that everyone who is spreading this disinformation is bad, most have good intentions but are just caught up in the fear and do not understand the biological laws. Some may just be looking for more reasons to condemn the vaccine, some just enjoy a good conspiracy for ratings and therefore very few may actually be disinfo agents.
I hope this helps you to stay healthy and make sense of this very strange and challenging time!
I recently had this discussion with Dr Alvin DeLeon, a very experienced GNM teacher in Canada. He basically has the same opinion, which is no surprise as the science doesn’t change! However, he also says, as I have often, that we don’t know what we don’t know.
The above article is based on what we know, so if there is some advanced technology such as nanotech or GM parasite then could it be possible that this could cause us problems? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.
What we do know is that fear, expectations and divide in our society can be more harmful than any virus or vaccine.