I’ve recently worked with a client who had multiple blood clots and pneumonia within days of having the second dose of the Covid vaccine. She was on life support for a number of days and came to me as soon as she could. ESSENTIAL INFO: Female, Age: 40s, Laterality: Left, …
Covid Vaccine Reaction
Video that gives you Immunity to CV!
This is such a good video explaining germ theory and vaccines. The absurdity that many are accepting as science is presented in a very amusing way! Watch this video and you will receive immunity from covid 😂!!
Are You Getting Caught up in the CV Fear?
Lloyd and I have been sent quite a few videos and articles recently that are fearfully stating that vaccine shedding (or stating is not shedding but something similar) is adversely affecting unvaccinated people when they come into contact with the recently vaccinated. We’ve had a few discussions re GNM between …

CV Vaxx Detox Support Protocol
As you may probably be aware, there have been many people experiencing unfavourable side effects from the CV vaccines that are being administered. I recently put together a detox protocol for a friend whose relative experienced a reaction to the vaccine. I selected these items with muscle testing including dosages, …
My Early Take on CV
My Take on CV This video was recorded in early April 2020 at the start of the ‘lockdown’. I never released it to the public as it was one of the first videos I ever recorded, and is unedited, so is completely amateur and raw! But I decided to share …
CV19 Vaccines – A Letter of Concern
I wrote this information specifically for some loved ones who are not ‘conspiracy minded’ to warn them of the dangers of the Covid vaccines. I have posted it here in case you find it helpful to copy some or all of it to share your concerns about the vaccine with …
Stats from COVID-19: Myth Busting
FOR MY MAIN ARTICLE IN COVID-19 “THE ONLY THING TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF” PLEASE CLICK HERE This is a brief culmination of stats snd we quotes as at time of writing 5th April 2020. Why is Italy’s death rate so high? From Scott Tips of the NHF: to put …
COVID19 – The Only thing to Fear is Fear Itself
You may also see my article on the fear of Covid Vaccines: Are you Getting Caught up in the CV Fear? HERE My Take on COVID-19 from the GNM Perspective. I’d prefer not to be giving this coronavirus issue any energy but due to so many questions I am receiving, …