Despite the many studies, research and scientific proof that artificial sweeteners are extremely detrimental to our health, thousands of people still use it in their tea and coffee, and it is widely found in many different food products, even those you would not expect. For those of us who have …

The Not-so-Sweet Truth!

The Magnesium Deficiency Epidemic
This is adapted from an original short draft of a chapter in my book and an article published in the international “Health Freedom News” magazine. The extensive research I have carried out on magnesium and the repeated low magnesium levels showing on the hair mineral tests I analyse, led me …

Are Our Children Being Innocently Poisoned?
published on the National Health Federation UK website, In Health Freedom News Magazine and featured in my book, Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift I also received a personal compliment on this article by Dr Betty Martini who is considered a world class leading authority in aspartame research and awareness. UPDATE NOTE 2019: Even …
Magazine Interview – Holistic Life Wales
Below is an interview I did for the Holistic Life Wales website (which is sadly now closed). Today we are joined by Danielle Bryant. Danielle is a Yoga teacher, Reiki Master/Teacher and Holistic Therapist qualified in Nutritional Therapy, Reflexology, Homeopathy, Nutritional Therapy and Holistic Diagnosis. Dani shares with us details …