Energy testing such as Muscle Testing is an ideal way to ask you body what it wants and needs, so you can take the guesswork out of supporting your health. This is perfect for using with GNM as the body will tell you if anything is interfering with its natural process, and therefore you can be assured that what you are doing is going to be in alignment with your body’s actual needs.
How to do the Basic Muscle Test:
- Bring an arm of person to be tested out to the side or front at right angles to the body
- Connect with them by placing your hand on their opposite shoulder
- Using 2 fingers, gently press on the testing arm, asking the client to resist and keep the arm raised
- arm stays strong – positive / strong answer
- arm goes weak – negative / weak answer
Before Testing a product / asking a question:
Do a ‘lie’ test to check yes and no answers are correct and to check the amount of pressure to use
eg “my name is name”, test, “my name is Mickey Mouse”, test
If needed, re-balance by tapping in anti-clockwise direction up from heart and around
To test a Food / Supplement:
- ask person to be tested to hold a food / product to their chest
- do the muscle test
- tell them to hold it out away from the body
- repeat the muscle test
- bring the product back in to the chest
- test again
STRONG WITH / STRONG WITHOUT – item is neutral, doesn’t harm (weaken) but is notnecessarily beneficial/therapeutic
STRONG WITH / WEAK WITHOUT – item is therapeutic (better with than without)
WEAK WITH / STRONG WITHOUT – item is not good, will weaken the body, maybe intolerant/allergic
To ask a question:
UPDATE: we are finding much more accurate results with making a true/false statement instead of asking a question.
- Make a statement that you want to confirm is true or false and test the arm straight after asking
- STRONG – true, WEAK – false
- If the answer is a selction from a list of possibilities, you are looking for the choice that gives a DIFFERENT response to the rest on the list (often all are strong but the chosen one is weak)
- re-test to confirm by asking again in a yes/no format (this time the arm should confirm strong / positive)
eg: “I have a vitamin deficiency” test True/false; if true, list A, B, C, D, E, K
or “I have a heavy metal toxicity” test True/false; if true, list mercury, arsenic, aluminium, lead, etc
or “The conflict causing the rash on my right hand is from wanting to hold my husband’s hand” test True/false
or “There is something I can do to support the healing of my colon” True/ False; if true, list all the things you can think of
This gives you an indication, but does not replace the benefits of visiting a qualified kinesiologist, especially one trained in the Energy Mis-match technique.
Visualisation Technique:
This technique goes deeper into the energetic possibilities of kinesiology and is really useful under many circumstances, such as:
- you do not have the item at hand,
- emotional testing, eg to see if a particular incident/person is still affecting you
- you want to test for someone who is not present (known as surrogate testing)
You simply focus with intent upon what you want to test on, then perform the muscle test.
Surrogate Testing:
To test on someone else:
- If they are present (such as a baby, pet or someone else), you just need to touch them, if possible, hold them to you.
- If they are not present, visualise them and declare that you are testing for them.
Before testing, do the lie test to check you are tuned in.
eg. My name is……, my name is (your name) – latter should now be weak!
or maybe: I am a human, I am a dog (if testing a dog!)
Then perform testing as usual.
Emotional Testing (on something specific):
- Visualise the person / incidence / situation or symbol of it you would like to test
- Perform the test:
- WEAK – it still bothers you / is still an issue, STRONG – you have let it go!
If it still bothers you:
- state “my body is ready to release this emotion here and now” (TRUE/FALSE)
- If TRUE, make further statements such as:
- The safest and most effective way to release this emotion is…”
list EFT, acupressure, POC n POD, Reiki, crystals, aromatherapy, magnetic clearing, counselling, hypnotherapy, (or create your own list) - “I need professional help in releasing this emotion”
- The safest and most effective way to release this emotion is…”
It may be that you can use a simple method as detailed below, or it may be that this practice will give you the most effective path to take for healing. Either way, it is useful and very interesting!
Emotional Testing on Unknown Issue:
This is a culmination of various emotional methods available. The emotion table to use is called The Emotion Code Chart.
- State “There an emotion that is ready to be released here and now”
- if TRUE, use the emotion chart:
- The emotion is in column A (test true/false); The emotion in column B (test)
- The emotion is in row 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Confirm: So the emotion is in (column/row)
- The emotion is (read out each emotion, or state 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th for a blind test)
- confirm by stating “So the hidden emotion is BLANK”
- State “I need to know more about this emotion before I can release it” (true/false)
- if NO – refer above to assess bet clearing method (list in previous section, or create your own list)
- if YES:
- Age: this occured before 10/20/in my 30s/last 5 years, etc
- Think about around that age (+/- 1year), it relates to *** incident, etc
- This emotion is linked to my current symptoms
- if YES – list symptoms
- This emotion has now been released YES / NO (sometimes just exploring the emotion can release it!)
- if NO – refer to list of how best to clear it (list in previous section, or create your own list)
Some Clearing Methods:
- EFT – look for tutorials at Gold Standard EFT with founder Gary Craig
- Magnetic meridian clearing – swipe a magnet (fridge magnet, credit card) or crystal down the Governing meridian (from the back of the head down the spine) 3 times for own emotion, 10 times for inherited emotion
- POC n POD – use this clearing statement “I want to destroy and uncreate the emotion that I have been holding on to, Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, Poc n Pod, All 9, Shorts, Boys and Beyonds”
- Meridian tapping – muscle test various points on the face while visualising the emotion or incident to see which one will strengthen the muscle test: inner corner of eyebrow, just below tearduct, under eye, outside corner of eye, edge of temple, next to ear lobe, under cheekbone. Tap on correct point both sides for about 30 seconds while repeating out loud “My heart is full of love and forgiveness”
- Crystals / aromatherapy – either muscle test for which ones, or say a list of them aloud.
Once you have cleared the emotion – retest it. You can confirm that there is nothing else you need to do by making a statement, or if there is anything else you need to do or whether you need professional/additional help.
Please note that the clearing methods above are extremely simplified and seeking professional help from someone who can delve deeper into these techniques is recommended for most issues. However, these simplified techniques may well be enough to clear many things for you, take the edge off bigger issues and tell you what path you need to follow.
Have fun getting to know yourself and your body, and don’t forget – you already have the answers you need – you just have to ask the right questions and listen!