As you may probably be aware, there have been many people experiencing unfavourable side effects from the CV vaccines that are being administered.

I recently put together a detox protocol for a friend whose relative experienced a reaction to the vaccine. I selected these items with muscle testing including dosages, and the muscle testing also confirmed that this would be suitable for the majority of people who would like to offer their body additional support to assist in recovery from vaccine effects, so I thought I would share it in case it can help anyone.

Products are available from Shop Holistic, Nutri Advanced and Epigenetics International. Nutri and Epigenetics are practitioner suppliers, though you can make a purchase by using my name/reference number as your prescribing practitioner as follows:

NUTRI ADVANCED: Website:, Tel: 0800 043 5777 – my practitioner number is 3205964

EPIGENETICS: Website:, Tel: 01380 800105 – my name is listed as Bryant, Danielle (Holistic Dani)


The Protocol is as follows:

The following is a one month protocol. This should be enough, though if there are more severe effects it can be extended to 2 months or more as you feel necessary, nothing here will harm to take in the longer term. Please seek advice if pregnant and ensure there are no allergies to ingredients which are detailed in the product listings.

PLEASE NOTE: These dosages have been muscle tested on these particular brands and strengths/potencies. If you choose to buy a different brand the dosage will need to be altered accordingly. Please also be aware that not all supplements contain the same blend of ingredients, and may contain different forms of the nutrients listed, and very few are as effective as those I’ve selected.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE) or Zeolite Clinoptilolite powder

DE is for: gentle chelation therapy of toxic ingredients and general cleanse that also works as an effective parasite cleanse.
Dosage: take 1 tablespoon in water last thing at night (if you are taking Essiac Tea or any medication at bedtime, take DE half hour before). Begin with 1teaspoon for the first 3 nights, increase to 2teaspoons for the next 3 nights then increase to full dose. If you experience negative effects, go back to the last dose for a few more days before increasing again.

Zeolite is for: stronger chelation therapy of toxic ingredients including graphene oxide which is claimed to render micro and nano technology useless*.
Dosage: take 1 teaspoon in water last thing at night (if you are taking Essiac Tea or any medication at bedtime, take half hour before). Begin with 0.25teaspoon for the first 3 nights, increase to 0.5teaspoon for the next 3 nights then increase to full dose. If you experience negative effects, go back to the last dose for a few more days before increasing again.

NOTE: zeolite may destabilise amalgam fillings and cause sensitivity. If there is general unwellness and lack of energy this could be indication of parasite infection. In either of these cases, DE may be better suited. Do not take both Zeolite and DE, as this is too harsh on the body and will cause unnecessary stress which can prevent healing and recovery. If you wish to take both, you can take a 1 month course of each.
Available from: Shop Holistic

Zell Immunokomplex

For: Nutritional & Cellular support, Oxygenates cells, supports adrenal function when the body is under stress.
Dosage: 30ml in water in the morning for 2 bottles worth (a little over 2 weeks) and then reduce to 20ml for the 3rd bottle
Available from: Shop Holistic

Alternative product: Superberry Antioxidant Mix capsules, 2 a day.

Magnesium Chloride

For: Nutritional, detox & cellular support, relaxant, and correcting deficiency as any stress exerted on the body increases the need for magnesium
Dosage: add 500g to a bath, soak for 20minutes 3 x weekly. After 2 months this can be reduced to 2 x weekly.
Available from: Shop Holistic

Super K

For: supporting healthy blood clotting function (reported symptom/side effect of vaccine)
Dosage: take 1 in the morning
Available from: Shop Holistic


For: cellular support and essential in many detoxifying processes
Dosage: take 1 in the morning
Available from: Epigenetics

Milk Thistle Complex (optional)

For: supporting the liver during detox
Dosage: take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening
Available from: Nutri Advanced

Essiac Tea

For: supporting healthy lymphatic system for assisting removal of toxins
Dosage: take 4 tablespoons in boiling water as a tea, last thing at night (half hour after Diatomaceous Earth)
Available from: Shop Holistic

Further Advice:

  • Eat a well balanced diet, with plenty of protein to provide essential amino acids
  • Include 5 portions of vegetables, and 2-3 servings of fruit per day (variety of colours preferred)
  • Drink enough water so that your urine is very pale
  • Avoid artificial ingredients such as MSG, sweeteners, etc
  • Do not worry or be fearful, this will only make things worse. You have a good protocol here. Visualise yourself well and recovered, fit and healthy.

Using Homeopathic Remedies 

The following have been historically known to work as an antidote to vaccines:

Vaccininum (Vaccinotoxicum) – 30c if recent vaccine, 200c if less recent, 1 dose each day over 3 days, stop as soon as symptoms change

Thuja Occidentalis – 30c potency taken once a day for 3 days, stop as soon as symptoms change

Follow with Silicea 30c 1 dose a day over 3 days, stop as soon as symptoms change

These are available from Ainsworths Pharmacy

Anyone with persistent symptoms please contact me for further advice.

Please note that this is generalised information, and I would not usually recommend a one-size-fits-all approach. I strongly advise you seek individual personalised help from myself or another therapist, but in the absence of this, and when this is not possible, I hope this protocol is of help.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Dani x

While this protocol has been tested to be beneficial for the majority, I can not offer any guarantees that this will be effective for you, nor can I accept liability for any damage or loss. The information is offered with good intentions for educational purposes and it remains your sole responsibility to research that these products are suitable. This is not intended to replace advice from a medical professional.

*See following link: CLICK HERE

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