THIS ARTICLE IS WORK IN PROGRESS! MANY MORE WILL BE ADDED SHORTLY! Many GNM/GHK teachers and advocates will dismiss the use of supplements, herbs and other remedies on the premise that the body heals itself and doesn’t need anything. However, as a nutritional therapist, homeopath and kinesiologist, I can see …
Supplements, Remedies and Herbs in Biological Programs
Breast Cancer (Part 1 – 2016)
Since I began studying German New Medicine, I realise the actual cause of my breast cancer, how it played out for me and why the way I treated it worked in some ways, and delayed the healing process in others. Below is my original article with updates to the inaccuracies, …
7 Foods for Cancer?
I recently saw this video shared around Facebook but this information could have the opposite effects if taken literally and without being given the whole truth. It is an example of how good information can make it into mainstream and viral feeds, but by only giving the half truth it …

Himalayan Salt V Celtic Sea Salt
Having been a long time user and seller of Himalayan Salt, I was intrigued to hear of the wonders of Celtic Sea Salt, touted as superior to Himalayan Salt which by comparison was toxic! On a little investigation, it is clear that there are varying grades of salt which have …

The Magnesium Deficiency Epidemic
This is adapted from an original short draft of a chapter in my book and an article published in the international “Health Freedom News” magazine. The extensive research I have carried out on magnesium and the repeated low magnesium levels showing on the hair mineral tests I analyse, led me …
Updates to my Book – (updated regularly)
As experiences, research and study continues along my journey of life and health, I am offering here a summary of anything I have to add to or change to the information in the second edition of my book. This could be new experiences, advances in research or anything like that! …
Radio Interview – Out of the Bag
I was interviewed on Out of the Bag Radio with Sean Maguire on 19th April 2017. Please note this was before I studied and understood German New Medicine. We talked about my own personal health journey and how I reversed Breast Cancer in only 3 months, kinesiology and the release of the …
Rumble & YouTube Channels
I have a Rumble account: Danielle M Bryant This is an alternative to my Youtube channel which is subject to censorship. It is currently being updated with all my videos. The link to this channel is HERE. I also have 2 Youtube channels listed below: Danielle M Bryant This …