NOTE: on discovery of the German New Medicine, I now realise the actual cause of my daughter’s eczema is due to conflict shocks, recurrences are due to ‘tracks’ or triggers that are subconsciously linked to the conflict shock which will cause the reaction whenever they are experienced. My daughter’s tracks …
Making a Homeopathic Allergy Remedy

The Magnesium Deficiency Epidemic
This is adapted from an original short draft of a chapter in my book and an article published in the international “Health Freedom News” magazine. The extensive research I have carried out on magnesium and the repeated low magnesium levels showing on the hair mineral tests I analyse, led me …

Are Our Children Being Innocently Poisoned?
published on the National Health Federation UK website, In Health Freedom News Magazine and featured in my book, Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift I also received a personal compliment on this article by Dr Betty Martini who is considered a world class leading authority in aspartame research and awareness. UPDATE NOTE 2019: Even …