Understanding the Biological laws, I now look at research into anything related to health with great discernment as explained below. First thing is first: Has this been funded? Who by? Do they have an interest in the outcome? If the information doesn’t pass that gate, I may or may …
Researching with Discernment

CV Vaxx Detox Support Protocol
As you may probably be aware, there have been many people experiencing unfavourable side effects from the CV vaccines that are being administered. I recently put together a detox protocol for a friend whose relative experienced a reaction to the vaccine. I selected these items with muscle testing including dosages, …

EFT Tapping Tutorial
Here’s a ‘mini morsels’ video on EFT Tapping, along with comments on this method when considering the 5 biological laws of nature 🙂 You can visit the founder Gary Craig’s website for full tutorials and demonstrations HERE
Memes and Notes
Please feel free to download/upload these memes to your social media.
Stats from COVID-19: Myth Busting
FOR MY MAIN ARTICLE IN COVID-19 “THE ONLY THING TO FEAR IS FEAR ITSELF” PLEASE CLICK HERE This is a brief culmination of stats snd we quotes as at time of writing 5th April 2020. Why is Italy’s death rate so high? From Scott Tips of the NHF: to put …
COVID19 – The Only thing to Fear is Fear Itself
You may also see my article on the fear of Covid Vaccines: Are you Getting Caught up in the CV Fear? HERE My Take on COVID-19 from the GNM Perspective. I’d prefer not to be giving this coronavirus issue any energy but due to so many questions I am receiving, …

Richplanet TV Show
These videos have been removed from YouTube. Please see below for the videos that are now self-hosted. Here is a show my husband Lloyd and I recorded with researcher Richard D Hall at the end of 2019. This is a great introduction to the suppressed research of German New Medicine. …
Lymph Drainage to Reduce Breast Lumps
When we find lumps in our breast it is easy to panic. However, sometimes they are caused by simple blockages that can be unblocked and drained. This simple procedure can help to reduce lumps in the breast that are caused by lymph blockage, and help lymph drainage around tumours. The …
The Paleo DIet
The Paleo diet basically takes us back to our roots (paleo = paleolithic). As it eliminates processed and modern-day foods which have become so troublesome for many, it is a great way to reset your body and lose some weight. It is particularly renowned to be beneficial for those who …
Could There be a ‘Brexit Flu’?
The Potential Implications of Brexit from a GNM Perspective When Brexit is finally done, I’m predicting there may be some kind of outbreak of some sort of disease or multiple diseases. These could possibly be concerning the bronchi, pancreas, stomach, gall bladder, coronary arteries, rectum or GI tract. There could …