Showing: 1 - 10 of 32 RESULTS
German New Medicine GNM/GHK Case Studies Illnesses & Conditions My Own Journey Natural Health

Hidradenitis – Armpit Boils

This is a past experience that I’ve updated below with a GNM explanation and ongoing experience. It is a good case of how both a conflict shock and a toxicity can be an issue. Essential info: Female, age early 50s, Right-handed, menopausal Symptom: armpit boils and shingles Conflict: feeling soiled …

Features Natural Health

Sourcing CBD – Information and Tips

CBD needs no introduction. You will find many amazing articles about what it is, how it works, testimonials, etc on the internet, so I won’t go into those details here. CBD, THC and the Biological Laws CBD is extremely supportive to healing and is known as a vagotonic agent (meaning …

Covid-19 Articles German New Medicine Health Freedom & Choices Healthy Mind Illnesses & Conditions Natural Health

Are You Getting Caught up in the CV Fear?

Lloyd and I have been sent quite a few videos and articles recently that are fearfully stating that vaccine shedding (or stating is not shedding but something similar) is adversely affecting unvaccinated people when they come into contact with the recently vaccinated. We’ve had a few discussions re GNM between …