The Benefits of Boredom: Reclaiming Connection to God and Inspiration in an Automated World In today’s fast-paced world, dominated by technology and automation, boredom is increasingly seen as an undesirable state. With smartphones at our fingertips and endless entertainment options available on demand, the opportunity to feel bored is dwindling. …
The Benefits of Boredom: Reclaiming Connection to God and Inspiration
Earthing – Re-establish your Natural Connection
How can humanity come so far away from its innate wisdom and natural connections? At what point did humanity make this wrong turn in our evolution? Those are rhetorical questions as I’m fairly sure of the answer, but I don’t want to overtake this article with politics and doom! When …
The Role of Emotions in our Health
Originally written Feb 2018, now updated with new information! From studying and practising kinesiology, and from my own experiences, this is my understanding of the role that emotions play in disease and suffering. This is often bantered around parrot fashion that emotive are the key to our suffering, but my …
How the Biological Laws changed by mind about God
I’m really not one to preach, and that’s not the intention of this article. I’ve written this to maybe assist others who are experiencing similar, or to give food for thought to others who aren’t! The reason I felt inspired to write all this down and publish it is because …
Pranayama (Yogic Breathing) Exercises
While practising Pranayama: It is a good idea to imagine the breath as a colour, maybe a bright energetic yellow as it fills your lungs. Then imagine your exhaling air to be a stale colour such as brown, ridding your body of all the dirty impurities and toxins. Remember if …
Have our Thoughts and Emotions been Hijacked?
This is a dicussion article, an exploration into this concept which has resonated with me. I have heard many different ways of this being explained on different levels, so I felt I needed to put this all down, for myself mostly, to get it all out my head 😅 I …
What Has Kept Me Sane!
Things are getting curiouser and curiouser, and from what I can see, they are definitely turning around for the better. More and more people are waking up, and it seems that those who are losing control are simply throwing their toys out the pram! WHAT HAS KEPT ME POSITIVE The …
Researching with Discernment
Understanding the Biological laws, I now look at research into anything related to health with great discernment as explained below. First thing is first: Has this been funded? Who by? Do they have an interest in the outcome? If the information doesn’t pass that gate, I may or may …
Self Help Mini Morsels – Energy/Muscle Testing
Here is a video I made with my husband Lloyd on how to muscle and energy test. You may also like to see the article found HERE NOTE: I tend to use statements rather than questions now, as this gives more accurate testing. This is because a question can invite …
Are You Getting Caught up in the CV Fear?
Lloyd and I have been sent quite a few videos and articles recently that are fearfully stating that vaccine shedding (or stating is not shedding but something similar) is adversely affecting unvaccinated people when they come into contact with the recently vaccinated. We’ve had a few discussions re GNM between …