Showing: 21 - 29 of 29 RESULTS
Health Freedom & Choices

Is Fluoride Something to Smile About?

by my husband, Lloyd This is included in much more detail in the Second Edition of my book, Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift There is such a fanaticism about this toxic chemical being good for teeth, it is almost impossible to find a dentist that will say anything bad about …

Health Freedom & Choices Healthy Mind Other Recipes Remedies Self-Help

Making a Chembuster

NOTE (update Sept ’24): I have sourced some excellent quality double-terminated quartz points and can supply latex tubing. They are available at Shop Holistic here: This article has been featured by No-dig gardener Charles Dowding on Richard Vobes show HERE (towards the end of the show) Chembusters are also …

Health Freedom & Choices Illnesses & Conditions Natural Health

7 Foods for Cancer?

I recently saw this video shared around Facebook but this information could have the opposite effects if taken literally and without being given the whole truth. It is an example of how good information can make it into mainstream and viral feeds, but by only giving the half truth it …

Health Freedom & Choices Healthy Mind Illnesses & Conditions Natural Health

The Magnesium Deficiency Epidemic

This is adapted from an original short draft of a chapter in my book and an article published in the international “Health Freedom News” magazine.  The extensive research I have carried out on magnesium and the repeated low magnesium levels showing on the hair mineral tests I analyse, led me …

Food Choices Health Freedom & Choices Natural Health

Are Our Children Being Innocently Poisoned?

published on the National Health Federation UK website, In Health Freedom News Magazine and featured in my book, Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift I also received a personal compliment on this article by Dr Betty Martini who is considered a world class leading authority in aspartame research and awareness. UPDATE NOTE 2019: Even …