I have struggled with weight since my early 20s. Over the past few years I have had short bursts of success with ketogenic diet, and I’ve not been able to work out or resolve the biological programs preventing me from reducing my weight (I know KCT is one as I definitely began gaining more weight since waking up in 2004 and feeling isolated from society and family due to thinking differently to them, though I felt like a square peg in a round hole before that as I never really though people understood me!).
Menopause and losing my Mum and Nan recently hasn’t helped either and I haven’t had the emotional or mental capacity or the time to start working out what I am eating and start excercising, especially as I know that is not the true cause of excess weight.
So what is?
There are several conflicts that can cause weight gain and trouble losing weight. These include (links take you to learninggnm):
- Kidney Collecting Tubules in active phase – Abandonment/Isolation/Existence/Refugee Conflict (Feeling like a Fish out of Water)
- Thyroid Gland in hanging healing causing hypothyroidism – not being fast enough to catch or eliminate a morsel eg. meeting a deadline or someone getting something before you, missing out on something
- Islet Cells of the Pancreas – resistance or fear-disgust conflict causing blood sugar and glucose fluctuations with sugar cravings depending on the phase
- Adrenal Cortex in hanging healing phase – from being on the wrong path, causing ongoing high cortisol
- Fat Tissue – repeated Self Devaluation conflicts causing extra fat and cellulite
- Lymphatic System -repeated Moderate Self Devaluation causing ineffective lymphatic drainage
Many of these could be a factor for me, sndnof course there can be multiple conflicts involved. It can be such a minefield when there are long standing issues!
But I’ve realised there’s something else….
Just like we (as in humanity) have come so far away from our Biological way of living, being and thinking….have we also come away from our Biological way of eating?
I think we have…..
Early December, I came across Slimpod. This involves no diet but a 10-minute hypnosis track you play each day and watch 5-10mins video from a progressive series whenever you can, which explain the program and contain tips and inspiration. There is also support in social media groups and live zoom sessions (all optional). I felt drawn to it somehow and as they were offering a 10-day free trial, I enrolled.
When I began listening to the pods and videos, I got really excited because everything I was hearing appeared to be in alignment with the Biological Laws. I quickly realised that this is actually aiming to de-program the mind to our conditioning and bring us back to what I think of as Biological Eating – this involves four things:
- eat when hungry
- stop eating when not hungry (not a far as full!)
- noticing your body signals, and
- choosing natural foods that nourish you
It then moves on to increasing your natural movement and energy, and then fitness.
Biological Eating sounds simple – nothing in Nature is that complex, it all comes down to simple common sense and logic (maybe, apart from the temporal lobe 🫣). But considering all the layers of conditioning and beliefs we have, it can actually be quite a journey to strip it all back and get to the simple Nature of ourselves – i.e. our Biological self.
Initially, the Slimpod program aims to remove any notions we have of good or bad food, weighing, dieting – in fact any preconceptions we may have of weight loss and diet.
Then, you will notice some positive changes. However, this can take days, weeks or a couple of months for longer standing issues. I have been doing this for over 6 weeks now at time of writing. I’m not sure if I’ve lost any weight yet (as I’m not weighing) but what I have noticed are some positive changes to how some of my clothes fit, a positive change to my attitude on many levels, as well as one huge breakthrough:
I have recently been able to separate cravings and tastes of food from Biological feelings for food!
I can now picture a plate of food and I can feel my whole body wanting it – like my cells are calling for it.
I can picture something I love the taste of (but it’s not really that ‘healthy’) and I can feel my head calling out but my body is not.
These feelings are leading me naturally towards a type of paleo/keto way of eating, but I’m not restricting myself or having to work it out as I am just going with how my body feels. It is like my body has found its voice and I am able to hear – so now I’ve started using my body’s voice to decide what and when to eat, or not to eat.
I will occasionally update with my progress below. I am very hopeful as this feels so different to other unrealistically restrictive eating and diet plans and fads that fail to get to the root cause of the issue. This, along with working on any conflicts that may be involved could well be the answer many of us have been seeking 😀
If anyone wants to try out Slimpod, here is a voucher for a free 10 day trial so you can see what it’s about and £10 off if you want to go ahead, which is 3 monthly payments of £33 and no more, for a lifetime of access (your payments will be different as you have £10 off 😉)
Here is the link if you want to check it out – CLICK HERE