I wrote this information specifically for some loved ones who are not ‘conspiracy minded’ to warn them of the dangers of the Covid vaccines. I have posted it here in case you find it helpful to copy some or all of it to share your concerns about the vaccine with others, as it is a subject that is very difficult to approach with people who trust in mainstream health and news.

I cannot put all my years of research into one email, but I really hope you will take your decision on whether to have the covid vaccine very seriously. You owe it to yourselves, each other and your family to look at both sides, as I do. The problem is that the information that doesn’t fit the narrative is suppressed, hidden and those who try to show others are ridiculed and condemned. So the available information out there is heavily biased. People who are brave enough to share this information have everything to lose (and some have lost everything), yet those that are suppressing us have everything to gain as they are financially invested in the industry.
Here are some important points for you to consider:

# The vaccines have only been tested on 18-55yr olds, which could be why so many over that age are having adverse reactions. It even states on the information that vaccine testing is not yet complete, and basically the public are the testing subjects.

# This is not an ordinary vaccine, and many claim it really should not even be called a vaccine. The technology is completely different and it is entirely experimental (https://www.rt.com/op-ed/507587-covid19-vaccine-safe-coronavirus/). With so many reactions including deaths, and chronic illnesses that have occured from vaccine damage, you have no idea whether you will suffer an adverse reaction such as this too until it is too late.It is very difficult to reverse vaccine damage, and there is a very low success rate, making vaccines a great risk to health.

# The very worrying fact is that these companies that will profit in billions are not even being held accountable – that is against our human rights! https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/16/covid-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-lawsuit.html

# Is it worth the risk for a disease that has actually been proved in scientific studies to offer more and safer protection by catching it and recovering than by having a vaccine? ( https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20210125005234/en/Merck-Discontinues-Development-of-SARS-CoV-2COVID-19-Vaccine-Candidates-Continues-Development-of-Two-Investigational-Therapeutic-Candidates).

# Alzhiemer’s is one of the saddest diseases to cope with, for those who suffer and their loved ones. If you want to protect yourseves from this, the following video is essential to watch. It is based around childhood vaccines but this widely used as an ingredient in almost all vaccines (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUFOypaaoxo)
From the government’s own recommendations regarding the covid vaccine:

We do not yet know whether it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus….To protect yourself and your family, friends and colleagues you still need to:

  • practice social distancing
  • wear a face mask
  • wash your hands carefully and frequently
  • follow the current guidance”

So this means it is not going to really make any difference! You are potentially putting yourself at risk for nothing!

Also in the British Medical Journal:

“If I’m vaccinated do I still need to self-isolate?
Government sources told the Telegraph that people who get vaccinated will have to stick to the same rules as everyone else because we don’t know if it stops people being carriers and passing the virus on to others.”

Here is a leaflet with some more good information on too:  COVID19 Vaccine Patient Information
I don’t want to upset you or shock you with the many stories I have heard first and second hand from prople whose relatives and loved ones have died or suffered serious vaccine damage. It is just too upsetting, and these people all thought they’d be fine before they were vaccinated too.
It may be surprising to hear, but almost everyone who is against vaccines were once all for vaccines until their lives were affected by vaccine damage.
The important thing is no-one actually knows how they will react until after the shot and then it is too late. And like I said, it is often the long term damage such as the deterioration of the brain that is the worst, particularly if there is a vulnerability like family history.
I hope you will seriously look at and watch the information I’ve shared. I am not trying to change your mind, just give you the side you will not be aware of if you only watch or listen to the mainstream news so you can make an informed choice.

With much love xx

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