My name is Danielle M Bryant, I am also known as ‘Holistic Dani’!
I am an author and researcher into issues that affect us in our everyday lives, primarily focused on natural health, spirituality and holistic living. I have personally had a colourful journey through many challenging conditions, and this really has made my body my greatest teacher! I am also a Holistic Therapist and Consultant. For more information about me see my About Me page!
I work and write with the scientific foundation of the Biological Laws of Nature, also known as German or Germanic New Medicine (GNM) and Germanishe Heilkunde (GHK). This is an entirely different paradigm to what the vast majority of conventional and alternative health fields are based upon. Therefore, if you are not familiar with GNM/GHK, I recommend you CLICK HERE for links that will give you an introduction to give you a deeper understanding of my articles.

I share this important information in various ways such as talks and workshops as well as through videos and articles. For more information and updates, please check my Events Page, join my Social Media Groups or Subscribe to my mailing list for (fairly) regular newsletters (approx 1 every month or so)!
Thank you for your interest – I hope you enjoy browsing and learn something that benefits you and your family. Please feel free to comment and share your own experiences!
With Blessings to you, Danielle x
NOTE: This is my BLOG website. If you are looking for my THERAPIES & SERVICES please go to www.HolisticDani.co.uk
CENSORSHIP ANNOUNCEMENT – my social media accounts are subject to censorship. My main Facebook account has been disabled twice, and Patreon have deleted my account as I would not comply with their demands to remove articles from my website! Youtube have also deleted some of my videos. You may find more consistency by joining my Telegram groups and subscribing to my Rumble channel!