To offer support for learning about the 5 Biological Laws and for connecting and open discussion with like-minded people, my husband Lloyd and I are offering a regular Study/Support Group via Zoom to my regular subscribers.

The sessions are intended to be for open discussions, support for each others’ journeys and sharing, and there will not usually be any prepared presentation. This is a friendly, informal environment for like-minded people to connect and share, and therefore, this group is being purposefully kept small and private, and is primarily for regular and long term members of my groups, clients and people I know personally.

If you wish to join, you need to become a VIP subscriber. You can do this by donating £7 or more per month, which includes free priority access to the regular Zoom study sessions run most months.
Click HERE for more information on becoming a subscriber.

NOTE: Current level is Beginners, though you will need a basic understanding of the 5 Biological Laws!
See my New to GNM/GHk? page for introductory resources.

We aim to run sessions at 7pm (GMT) on the 2nd Tuesday of the month (though this can vary and is decided via chat and polls in the VIP group):

Please note the following:

  • We do not give permission for sessions to be recorded. This allows a more relaxed atmosphere and more freedom of speech.
  • Please ensure you keep your microphone muted unless you wish to speak. You may use the chat function for submitting questions if you prefer.
  • If you do not wish to be on video, simply turn off your camera, though we much prefer to see people!
  • Please submit main questions/topics beforehand, preferably by 10pm the evening before the session. If you didn’t submit a question when you booked your place, you can email questions directly to me at
  • Questions should aim to be of a general nature.
  • If you have any experiences or information you wish to share with others at the session, it is helpful that you email it to me in advance at