Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS
Health Freedom & Choices Healthy Mind Other Recipes Remedies Self-Help

Making a Chembuster

NOTE (update Sept ’24): I have sourced some excellent quality double-terminated quartz points and can supply latex tubing. They are available at Shop Holistic here: This article has been featured by No-dig gardener Charles Dowding on Richard Vobes show HERE (towards the end of the show) Chembusters are also …

Illnesses & Conditions Natural Health Recipes Remedies Self-Help

Making a Homeopathic Allergy Remedy

NOTE: on discovery of the German New Medicine, I now realise the actual cause of my daughter’s eczema is due to conflict shocks, recurrences are due to ‘tracks’ or triggers that are subconsciously linked to the conflict shock which will cause the reaction whenever they are experienced.  My daughter’s tracks …