Lloyd and I have been sent quite a few videos and articles recently that are fearfully stating that vaccine shedding (or stating is not shedding but something similar) is adversely affecting unvaccinated people when they come into contact with the recently vaccinated. We’ve had a few discussions re GNM between …
Are You Getting Caught up in the CV Fear?
GNM (German or Germanic New Medicine) or Germanische Heilkunde (GHK) are simply different names given to the work and discoveries of Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer. They define Five Biological Laws of Nature and as you learn more you will realise this is a fundamental truth that completely changes how we …
Richplanet TV Feedback
Here is a slideshow of feeedback received by ourselves and Richard D Hall after Lloyd and I appeared on his show. You can watch the 4 parts of the show, entitled Sacred Medicine HERE:
Assisting the Healing Phase of Dis-ease
From a GNM perspective, when you have symptoms, you are already in Healing. I recommend that you read The Wisdom of German New Medicine before reading this article, in order for it to make more sense! The following is not official GNM, but tips and advice based upon how I practice …
GNM Case Study: Shingles
CLIENT INFO: Me! (female, 48yrs, RH) SYMPTOMS: Very angry, painful and very itchy blistered rash under left breast in exact location of previous breast lump extending to about 10″ in diameter CONFLICT: attack conflict affecting corium skin Left-sided: Either mother/child related (in RH person) OR localised conflict INFO: Start of …
COVID19 – The Only thing to Fear is Fear Itself
You may also see my article on the fear of Covid Vaccines: Are you Getting Caught up in the CV Fear? HERE My Take on COVID-19 from the GNM Perspective. I’d prefer not to be giving this coronavirus issue any energy but due to so many questions I am receiving, …

Richplanet TV Show
These videos have been removed from YouTube. Please see below for the videos that are now self-hosted. Here is a show my husband Lloyd and I recorded with researcher Richard D Hall at the end of 2019. This is a great introduction to the suppressed research of German New Medicine. …
Bob Marley’s Cancer from a GNM Perspective
The following is a theory, as I do not have access to Bob Marley’s medical records. So I have collated information from various sources on the circumstances surrounding his cancer and leading up to his death. Based on this data as I have presented it below, here is my analysis …
GNM Case Study – Persistent Shoulder Pain
ESSENTIAL INFO: Male, Right handed, 47 yrs old SYMPTOMS: persistent pain and stiffness in left shoulder and neck CONFLICTS: Intellectual Self devaluation Conflict (neck), Relationship Self Devaluation Conflict (shoulder) – can be experienced as a Loss of Self Worth Left sided: related to mother / child if right handed. Info: …
GNM Case Study – Locked Jaw
CLIENT INFO: me! (47yrs, RH female) SYMPTOMS: lockjaw / TMJ Disfunction DATE: Nov 2019 CONFLICT: Bite conflict “not being able to bite at an opponent” Conflict active phase: paralysis of jaw Healing phase: inflammation / pain / paralysis before movement returns to normal Epi Crisis: grinding / bruxism / spasms …