Showing: 1 - 10 of 32 RESULTS
German New Medicine Health Freedom & Choices Illnesses & Conditions Natural Health Self-Help

Supplements, Remedies and Herbs in Biological Programs

THIS ARTICLE IS WORK IN PROGRESS! MANY MORE WILL BE ADDED SHORTLY! Many GNM/GHK teachers and advocates will dismiss the use of supplements, herbs and other remedies on the premise that the body heals itself and doesn’t need anything. However, as a nutritional therapist, homeopath and kinesiologist, I can see …

German New Medicine GNM/GHK Case Studies Illnesses & Conditions My Own Journey Natural Health

Hidradenitis – Armpit Boils

This is a past experience that I’ve updated below with a GNM explanation and ongoing experience. It is a good case of how both a conflict shock and a toxicity can be an issue. Essential info: Female, age early 50s, Right-handed, menopausal Symptom: armpit boils and shingles Conflict: feeling soiled …