Thank you to Rob Deacon in my Facebook group who wrote the following introduction to GNM. It can really help to read information that is written in a different style and from a different viewpoint.
Writing about subjects are a great way to study and get your thought process onto paper where they can make more sense. Why not try writing an introduction to GNM (or any aspect of it) for yourself?
If you do and would like me to check it (and maybe even include it on my website), then please email it to me at

German New Medicine (links are at the end)
By chance, I first came across GNM on the website and I thought that it was just an alternate, FDA-suppressed cancer therapy. I suspected it was correct as its founder Dr. Hamer, a highly respected cancer specialist, had been hounded & even imprisoned by the authorities from the moment he started successfully treating patients with it. His treatment seemed to be all to do with mental health, so why would they imprison him for that? Anyway, I read into it a bit more, then simply parked it at the back of my mind – should I ever get cancer, I knew where to look.
It was earlier this year when I was prompted by a richplanet newsletter to attend a seminar Danielle Bryant was running in Somerset (an hour’s drive from me). During the seminar, the penny began to drop that GNM offered an explanation and treatment option for practically ANY disease or illness not just cancers.
The premise of GNM is very simple. Modern medicine assumes that if you damage your knee, for example, then your immune system kicks-in and automatically starts to repair the joint/ligaments. GNM says this is not how it works at all. Instead, your body sends a shock signal to a very specific (linked) part of the brain which then initiates the required healing program. You have all the necessary recovery programs to treat any disease 100% built-in through years of evolution and the programs never make a mistake. The programs always follow the same stages:-
  1. Conflict stage – Usually felt with little to no symptoms, your mind has to evaluate and accept what has happened. In the case of a cut, for example, there can be a short delay before recovery kicks in and the pain starts. However, in the case of long-term background stress, the conflict phase can be drawn out and often comes and goes in waves.
  2. Recovery/repair – Once the conflict is resolved and the correct program is initiated, it usually starts by protecting the area in question with liquid (inflammation) then begins to generate new cells etc. Note therefore, that if you are “fighting” against an illness, what you are actually doing is fighting against “recovery” – pain & discomfort are signs that you’re on the right track not the wrong one.
  3. Test (epileptoid crisis) – The program runs a short test to make sure the repair has been successful and the stress of this short phase helps the body push out the swelling and waste produced in healing.
  4. Final healing – scarring etc.
Think of it a bit like this:-. (1) Your garden wall starts to crumble, but you live with the conflict. Part of it then falls down. (2) You get a builder in and he fixes it. (3) He then tests the strength of the wall before (4) finally rendering and painting it.

GNM History

Hamer discovered GNM after his son was shot in his sleep in an extremely controversial situation that involved a member of the Italian royal family and was subsequently covered up. After months of agony and multiple surgeries, Dr Hamer’s son eventually died in his arms. Hamer himself got cancer and wondered if there was a link between his condition and the trauma and injustice of his loss. As he had access to CT scanners and hundreds of patients, he started recording his findings in a database. Not only did he find that there was a clear link, but also that the link was very specific between the “type of shock” the patients had endured and the type of cancer they then got. He later worked out that the process of injury & recovery was actually the same for all illnesses.

What’s special about cancer?

Severe shocks do not necessarily lead to cancer, but cancer is always preceded by a severe shock that catches its victim totally unawares. Hamer found on brain scans that the area of the brain associated with the particular organ became injured and the injury was always in the form of concentric rings around the emotion centre (note:- perhaps Atlantis was the Earth getting cancer!).
With some cancers, the program temporarily generates extra cells (deemed as cancerous) which are a perfectly normal part of the process. These cells are ultimately removed from the body by microbes such as bacteria and fungi. In other cancers, the extra cells are simply a replenishment of lost cells that repair and restore the tissue and this is a natural part of the healing process.
As an aside, a drug called GcMaf was purported to stimulate macrophage production which in turn helped remove cancer cells from the body. I’m tending to believe this as its founder was hounded by the FDA then jailed and had his labs destroyed, so it fits the pattern that there’s clearly someone out there who has a vested interest in the continuation of poisoning, burning & cutting people to “cure” them.

The biggest problem with our “immune” responses

As I said, cancer & other “diseases” are all perfectly normal and cured automatically by the programs, but for the presence of one thing – fear! Long-term fear is quite a new feature in our evolutionary development, we haven’t evolved into the World we live in today. Our bodies would be in perfect harmony with a simple life of family, harvesting, rest & play, but are completely unsuited to a World of media fearmongering and divided families & communities. Fear and worry prolong or even restart the conflict phase and this is where perfectly good programs can get rebooted and work for no good purpose at all. A good example of this is Alzheimer’s, caused primarily by a separation conflict. In our natural environment, the stress of being separated from the pack is extremely important as it prompts you to get back to the safety of your people ASAP. The stress is so severe that the final stage of healing is to try and blank out that part of your memory. However, in the case of an old person sitting day-after-day staring at blank walls, this repeated blanking out will leave them with very little brain left to save new memories to.

Lung cancer

Is the number 1 killer and the reason for this is quite cruel. Diseases of the lungs are linked directly to the fear of death itself. Again, it’s a useful reaction in our natural World as the temporary proliferation of extra cells builds a stronger set of lungs to help us run or fight, but once the threat has gone, the repair (ie: the removal of the excess cells) would be automatic. Nowadays, the most common & tragic of stories is of someone getting diagnosed with a different form of cancer, then the shock of the diagnosis itself and subsequent fear of death taking over and initiating the lung cancer. This fear then carries on repeatedly until the victim’s final death. In such a case, the doctor (who knows no better) will have said that the cancer had “spread” to the lungs when it had done nothing of the sort. Sometimes, the patient can find the finality of it quite life-changing and lose their fear of dying altogether. In such cases, the patient can then make a full recovery with no intervention.
The number 1 cause of death from lung cancer is “fear of dying from lung cancer”. Never forget this, it could save your life one day! As I said, very cruel stuff.


Normally (not always) identified as allergies. You could think of them as being a bit like an old 45 record which gets damaged and jumps back during play and goes into a loop. I like to think of them more like quick-access programs which your mind initiates when it seems to recognise certain conditions or situations.
Getting off the track can be tricky. Simply understanding that you are on one of these tracks can suffice sometimes. I personally find that recognising the track then simply dismissing the pseudo-symptoms as a load of nonsense seems to work very well indeed (touch wood!). My example here is gout. I first got gout 20 years ago and from that point onwards seemed to have suddenly become “prone” to it. At the slightest hint of a pain in my foot, I would recognise the pattern and know that at some point the thing was going to flare-up. In my case, this pseudo-gout would then take months to go away. Since taking a dismissive attitude towards it, I’ve still been recognising the signs, but they simply haven’t led to a thing and have disappeared within hours every time – so far.


Certain drugs can definitely help with certain conditions, but I’ve a feeling this whole Industry will be totally revolutionised once the GNM cat is out of the bag.
Most of the treatments have to be directed at the mind though – resolving conflicts, understanding the biology and breaking tracks.
In short – a life without fear is a life with very few diseases.


I wrote the following on the GNM UK Facebook blog. I believe that Covid and Spanish Flu were one-and-the-same, the only difference being the extended duration of the “conflict” phase with WW1.
FB post:-
A Covid Sum-up according to GNM:-
A recurring & prolonged scare/death-fright conflict causing cell changes in the lungs to allow you to breathe harder. The cell proliferation is a prehistoric reaction to allow you to breathe harder (and hence run faster/fight stronger) in times when you could genuinely get attacked by something/someone. In those days the attack would normally be over quite quickly one way or another, so the cell changes were only temporary. Nowadays, with 24-7 media propaganda, the conflict phase for this pseudo-attack can last far longer. The conflict is resolved by things like “good news” or the placebo effects of an injection and brought back into conflict by “bad news” (ie: rising rates in your area) and other scary media. Of course, there is no conflict if you’re not scared of airborne microbes or TV at all. There are no real symptoms during the conflict phase, so people will tend to “get Covid” when they are actually feeling a bit safer and the conflict is resolved to some degree.
Claims they made or planted in the media (remember the masonic code – “deceive without lying where possible”):-
    1. Jabs will not protect you from getting Covid, but will reduce symptoms. Spot-on (although the jabs can harm you in other ways) – the sooner you feel safe, the sooner the conflict is resolved and the less severe the healing phase will be. Only for those who believe in the deadly microbes, of course.
    2. Social distancing will protect you – if you believe it, then correct again – you’ll feel less frightened. However, isolation can cause additional conflict and worsen any other condition you may have.
    3. Masks will protect you – if you believe it, guess what? A dilemma for those who know it’s a lie though – do you conform and help people to feel safer or do you not conform to show them what a load of nonsense it all is, possibly scaring them and putting them more “at risk”. Clever stuff! Personally, I will not be compromising my own health with these masks again as, apart from the lack of oxygen inhibiting my own breathing, someone has to lead the way out of this state-driven attack on our psyche.
    4. A positive PCR test means that you almost certainly have it. Possibly, but the “it” in question is definitely not the “it” that they are pretending it is. Anything can be discovered in a PCR test, as admitted by the inventor himself…. shortly before he died in August 2019!
    5. The jabs are safe. The lie of the century, but again – if people had been kept in their fear state, how many more would have died?
    6. People who don’t have the jab are the super-spreaders. Pretty much nonsense as we don’t wear signs on our heads that say who’s been poisoned and who hasn’t. Still has to be marginally true with friends who might be scared of catching something from you.
    7. Vaccine shedders put the unvaccinated at risk. Again, in a way, if the unvaccinated are scared of this then they will have fear of the vaccinated, so are more likely to get ill. A load of proverbial, of course.
    8. Spike proteins will make your body over-react in the future. I am not medically qualified to answer this, but more scaremongering methinks. Spike proteins are meant to be from a virus that has yet to isolated and even proven to even exist, let alone cause any illness. 
    9. Lock your grannies up to protect them. Look out for increased dementia levels caused solely by this cruel act.
This is a clear example of GNM being used as a terrorist weapon. The people who run the show (if they are human) understand GNM far better than any of us and know exactly how to tune our fear to get the results they require.
The way forwards?
I don’t know 100% to be honest. The most important thing is to reduce people’s fear levels. Ultimately, the truth will do that, but short-term it could be even more scary than the media show:-
    1. I like Tom Cowan’s idea of simply showing people how scared you are NOT and subtly planting the notion that they might want to find out what you’re on that makes you so happy.
    2. The truths they need to know about to feel safer are the most important – ie: that it’s all a show (just like any other TV production) and there’s little or nothing dangerous behind any of it. And of course, that there are no deadly microbes about to wipe out the World’s population. Only fear can do that and if that’s the case, then there’s nothing to be fearful about, right?
We need a different approach than last time, if indeed they are going to spring another so-called “outbreak” of some sort onto us in the future.


  1. Richplanet interview with the Bryants on GNM –
  2. GNM official website (note, the search facility is very good)
  3. Dani’s videos
  4. Dani’s website

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