The GNM/GHK Experiences are shared by clients, members of the GNM/GHK Community groups I run on social media, viewers of mine & Lloyd’s Richplanet interview and emails sent to me by viewers of my videos, or readers of my book and website.
If you would like to share a GNM/GHK Experience for possible inclusion on my website, please get in touch! Experiences can really help others to see how the Biological Laws can play out in real life, particularly how the conflicts and symptoms were discovered and supported during the process.
The following is from Jane in my Telegram group:-
We live in central Edinburgh and every year there is a big festival and the population of Edinburgh balloons and many locals make money doing Airbnb with their property.
We have thought about doing Airbnb for the last few years but for one reason or another never have.
My partner is very keen to do it this year. In theory I am on board as we could definitely use the money, but once we decided to do it and listed our property I knew I was conflict active as my mind was racing and it was the first thing I thought of when waking up and last thing I thought of at night before falling asleep.
I decided to spend some time writing out all my concerns and then wrote out their “turnarounds”, ie the positive opposite of the concern. If I was worried that nasty people would be in our home for example I would write that wonderful future friends would stay.
Having written them out I then meditated and got into a low-alpha /theta brainwave state that I hoped would be suggestible to new perspective. I then spent time imagining the positive outcome of doing Airbnb and the freedom that the extra money would give us.
That night I woke in the night with mild cystitis-like discomfort, and now I find that I am no longer thinking obsessively about it.
Additional info: this was a marking conflict affecting the bladder mucosa and urethra. This is squamous epithelial tissue controlled in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex, and is known as Red Group Tissue. The marking conflict can be perceived as a male (known as territorial marking) or female, and this is dependent on biological handedness, hormone status, gender and whether there are existing conflicts in that brain layer.
The female marking conflict is regarding the nest and inner boundaries (body) and the male territorial conflict is to do with outer boundaries (eg property, neighbour disputes etc).
More info can be found here: