This is a dicussion article, an exploration into this concept which has resonated with me. I have heard many different ways of this being explained on different levels, so I felt I needed to put this all down, for myself mostly, to get it all out my head 😅 I published it as it may help others to think about this or hear this too, especially bringing the GNM perspective into it 🤔

As a brief overview, this article is exploring the idea that negative emotions and thoughts that we constantly have are not ours – they do not come from within us, but they are coming from outside sources, and how we energetically tune into to these outside influences.

I realised that I wrote about a similar thing in my book back in 2015, in the chapter entitled Inspiration, Intuition and Hidden Messages. For anyone who hasn’t read this chapter, it explores how our intuition and inspiration can be from bad/dark places as well as good/light. Everything exists in duality, there is no light without dark, so how do we know we are channeling/connecting with the light?

One thing I have come to realise (and have more recently experienced) is the dark side (aka demons, satanic, dark/low vibration entities, etc) have become increasingly very cunning, and can disguise themselves as higher frequency entities, God, ancestors, or even make you believe you are thinking your own thoughts and receiving your own inner guidance.

But what, or who, are these entities? All I really know is that they are some sort of outside influence. They could be some sort of living or energetic entity such as alien, spiritual, etc or even something that is being technically transmitted to us on a low frequency. I don’t know which, and don’t believe others could truly know (bearing in mind the information in this article, how can we truly trust what we are perceiving?)

Just like a friend of ours always says ‘Believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see’ 🙂

One thing I know is that we need to apply just as much discernment to our thoughts and emotions as we do to any reading or research we carry out! To me, this is encouraging us to use our heart and our gut feeling to make decisions rather than relying on the thoughts in our brain. And maybe that is a good thing. Maybe the darkness is inadvertently pushing us into our more intuitive, right-brained side, when it actually was meant to be controlling us? Just like the lockdowns had the positive effect of reconnecting families, giving people time to research and realise things are not as they seem and inadvertently triggered a great awakening?

I also realised the potential of the mobile phone masts. Actually I have a deep feeling that they may be constantly emitting the low vibration mind control frequencies and the only way we can protect ourselves is by keeping our vibration higher. Something I’ve always believed is that it is all about frequency and vibration, and it is often claimed that we need to keep our vibration high to attract the good stuff. It’s a bit like keeping your radio tuned to radio 1 and so you receive radio 1.

But once your vibration becomes lower, you are picking up lower vibrational energies instead. When you are tuned to radio 1, the receivers of radio 3 (whether these are representing low energy emotions, entities or whatever) are not even aware of you, but once you lower your vibration they can detect and interact with you. Likewise, you can detect and be influenced by the lower energy emotions such as anger, fear and anxiety, and any low frequency transmissions that are beaming out.

When we raise our vibration we are, in effect, rising above the problems (just like the saying goes!)

So, maybe that could be how the masts cause increased rates of cancer around them, particularly when you consider the biological laws explaining that cancer is triggered by a conflict shock and not a malfunction caused by anything external, this doesn’t seem to make sense. But, what is likely happening is that the transmissions (whether purposefully transmitted or as a consequence of just being there giving a signal) are causing the low frequency emotions to take hold by lowering our vibration due to the stress they cause our bodies (and maybe even also transmitting lower vibrations for mind control, if that is what they are doing) and that is making people more susceptible to experience conflicts, not only from living in the fear vibration, but also making us less able to cope with things that happen to us due to the burden of the stress they cause.

A bit like having your stress cup full so any little issue can make it spill over!

That is why orgonite and crystals can protect us from EMF. In effect, they strengthen us to cope with the frequencies rather than blocking the frequencies. In other words, they are raising our vibration to take us out of the frequency range of EMFs.

The Accumulative Effect
It then becomes a downward spiral. Once you accept some lower vibration thoughts (voices) or emotions, then more come in. As I understand it, that is explained by the first voice (thought) causing an emotion that lowers the vibration, thereby tuning you into the lower frequencies and connecting with more lower frequency entities or emitted frequencies.

As another saying goes – we feel low, down, etc. Does our language actually tell us what I am trying to say? We are low in vibration, down on the vibration ‘spectrum’?

In Nature

I’ve heard people question why animals don’t suffer anxiety in their natural environment, and it really resonated with me, as I often reflect on what happens in nature when learning more deeply about the Biological Laws. We say in our GNM talks that we have figurative DHSs because we are complex beings, but in the other hand, maybe we are just letting these lower vibration entities in due to the manipulation of our vibration, which as we know is caused by medicine, poor quality and GM foods, EMFs (purposeful and consequential as I just explained), chemtrails, and all the other things we are bombarded with. Of course, animals would also be subjected to these if they live with us, but the fear propaganda can keep our vibration even lower and therefore more open to these lower frequencies, which is likely why there is so much fear propaganda on both sides of the health fields, alternative and mainstream.

Are you on the Fear Timeline?

We are not only easier to control when in fear, and more susceptible to conflicts, but we are also vibrating at lower frequencies, which cause us to tune in with lower vibration entities (many of which I believe are parasitic) and mind control frequencies (if that is what they are doing, or plan to do).

The visualisation I have had in my mind of what is happening this past few years, is a sort-of forked timeline. The timelines look like wormholes or vortices rather than paths. One is based on love and one is based on fear. Both start at the same place but veer off in slightly different directions running forwards, and it appeared to me that everything, including all the info I was hearing and everything I was feeling, was on one timeline or the other.

Until the start of 2022, I was flying high on the love timeline. This was thanks mainly to my knowledge of GNM, and Q. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, on the fear timeline affected me as I truly felt it was not part of my reality or future. I even felt a bit concerned that I may have been in denial, but it wasn’t like that, it just wasn’t my future.

But I then began experiencing a lot of what I’ve recently realised are psychic attacks, bringing doubt, complacency, and some fear back into my life when I have clearly been on a no fear vibration for quite some time. I began to realise that when this happened I was being pulled over to the other timeline, and so I began to recognise this and consciously bring myself back. The visualisation came to my mind of black hands reaching out from the fear timeline and grabbing hold of me, trying to coax or pull me over, and so I began shaking off the hands, telling them to go away and re-focusing on the future I want to move towards.

Am I sounding crazy yet 🙃

But then, I began having a lot of doubt and questioning all the empowering things that I have learnt, things that are really deep in my core beliefs, such as natural health, natural law and even belief in the spirtual world, despite my many, many undeniable experiences and irrefutable evidence. It was puzzling me how I was allowing a sudden doubting of myself and my core values.

I noticed an increasing trend in universal signs and messages that related to God and even Christianity, though not the same God that I was familiar with and turned away from as a child – you know, the man with the white beard. I began hearing of bible stories that had hidden meanings and became interested in and guided to reading the Bible (a very slow and challenging process, but interesting all the same). This has been mostly inspired by the hidden histories of Britain (, and in particular my home of South Wales and its ancient spiritual significance, with detailed history that has been suppressed for so long. I had been aware of this for some time through the research of Wilson & Blackett, but this time round it lead me to take an interest in reading the Bible, the Course in Miracles and not being so dismissive of Christianity, as there may be a deeper message.

The War between Good & Evil

What I have realised over the past couple of years is that we are at war on many levels. This is a huge spiritual war of good and evil that is reflected on earth, and within ourselves.  Having been on various spiritual and religious paths, I have been very resistant to the religious conditioning I had regarding God and prayer in my younger years. I have believed in higher energy and spirtuality for a very long time, but it is only recently since my befriending of the Bible and religious words, that I have been able to refer to God as God, rather than a sentence encompassing what I believe God to be. I realise that whatever I believe God to be, whether an energy source, love, life force, Nature – the name/word God just perfectly explains the all-encompassing omnipresence and power. I have therefore made peace with this word.

Anyway, I soon realised with the help of listening to and reading certain information that I was guided to, that these thoughts, doubts of core beliefs and feelings of anxiety I was having were likely a sabotage or hijacking of my mind, as I explained above.

How I get Back on Track

It can be a constant challenge to stay in your power sometimes,  and there is often a fine line between being on the fear timeline or on the path of love, so I thought I’d share how I have dealt with this.

Call it out!

The first step is to identify what is happening. By calling it out, you are not allowing it to suck you in or become a part of you. If my mind had a loud speaker you would often hear thoughts such as ‘I see what you are doing’ ‘why am I feeling/thinking like this, that is not me!’

This could happen any time and often happens when clients are telling me of their problems or issues and I identify with it due to past experience, I feel something through me like whatever is causing it is being transferred, more recently I’ve often noticed feeling a bit tingly somewhere in my body or all over. So I will identify it at that point and think ‘hello, what is this, I do not want this, it is not welcome, it is not me’ or words to that effect.

Then I often realise that I’ve let my guard down.

My Guard is my Light

I used to use protection techniques such as a bubble or cloak around me. But then over time I realised how disempowering this is. When we have our own power, and trust in that power, we do not need to hide! By hiding we are sending a message out saying ‘I am weak!’ – as basically anything that needs protection is not strong enough. Over time, the bubble can become a wall that is hard to break down, even for good things to get through.

I had been told this in a few different ways over the years, but like most things, it can take a while to really sink in and become a true innerstanding. Then, one night, I had quite a powerful dream which lead me to realise something when I woke up.

My Dream

I was given a lit candle and told to take it into a dark room. The candle stayed alight and there was no longer darkness in the room. Then I was given darkness in my hand and told to go into a room full of light, and the darkness disappeared.

This simple dream was so powerful. It made me completely innerstand the theory I learnt back in my physics days, that there is only light and a lack of light. Darkness can only exist where there is no light, for if darkness could overcome light then it would not have gone when I took it into the light room.

Now replace the light and dark with love and fear, hope & despair, etc….

We try to fight evil, darkness, negativity, etc….but it does not work to fight it as it is a lack of something that allows it to exist.

This has helped me so much to realise that all we need to do is focus on shining our own light, on giving and receiving love and on everything that gives us hope. Feed attention to what you want, and starve what you don’t want!

My protection became my light, the light that I shine from my own heart. As it projects outwards, nothing below that frequency can get in.

I since added beams to the light, a bit like spikes, to make it even more impenetrable to lower energies.

So the next step, when I feel this infiltration, is to get my light shining again, with the intention of lifting my vibration above what is trying to infiltrate.

This Medicine Woman’s prayer reflects this concept:
“I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless.
I will not fix you, for you are not broken.
I will not Heal you, for I see you in your wholeness.
I will walk with you through the darkness, as you remember your light.” – Sheree Bliss Tilsley

Command Authority

One of the people I listen to fairly regularly for his research into Q drops is Praying Medic. His main profession is faith healer and author, and it is through him and his readers’ testimonies that I made peace with God and Christian terminology.

He explains how we need to command authority in the spiritual realm, and this really resonates with what I know about energy and frequency from my physics background, and how I understand law of attraction.

Everything in energy is there or absent, black or white. So, if our thoughts have doubt, or are not whole and complete, they are weak and have no power. This is also why our light is so powerful.

Praying Medic commands that demons/emotions etc leave us in his healing prayers. One day I was experiencing some serious doubt, and anxiety as a result of this doubt, so I thought ‘what’s the harm in trying?’ so I imagined myself stomping my foot like a spoilt child as I shone my light out and thought, with authority and conviction, ‘I command you to leave and the wounds in my soul be healed’

I felt such an immediate relief, so I have now added this to my arsenal 😁

The Freedom of the ‘F word’

More recently, I have also befriended the ‘F word’, something I never said all my life (likely due to my private school education!).  But it really has been extremely liberating and healing to finally release the block that was preventing me from expressing myself, and I realised had been causing suppressed emotions and frustration.

Was there a better way to command authority over these dark entities, I thought….

So now, the everyday little doubts, emotions, etc, as soon as I identify them, I just say in my mind ‘F* off’. Something I certainly do not want, I will think ‘now you can F* right off!’

I love this cartoon, it really sums it all up. I wish I knew who did it so I could acknowledge them!

Anyway, I use these as little reminders that my light is not shining like it needs to.

This usually is sufficient for everyday maintenance, along with some meditation exercises either first thing in the morning or at bedtime. And those days when I experience one challenge after another, I take time out as soon as I realise I have let my guard down and go through the entire process.

One thing that I am confident of….the Light is winning. How do I know? Because everything that serves or feeds off the darkness is panicking. They are throwing everything they can at us on all levels to stop the Great Awakening.

This panic only shows that their time is limited. It is just a matter of time………….and all we need to do is keep our light shining in whichever way we can.

Please also see my related article How the Biological Laws Changed my Mind about God

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