Many GNM/GHK teachers and advocates will dismiss the use of supplements, herbs and other remedies on the premise that the body heals itself and doesn’t need anything.

However, as a nutritional therapist, homeopath and kinesiologist, I can see the value in using this knowledge with the underlying wisdom of the Biological Laws and, while much of my therapy practice is now focused upon seeking the conflict shock and working with the Biological Programs, I appreciate that specific products can be extremely supportive to the natural process and do not interfere negatively with the Biological Programs people are experiencing. Whether this is for symptom relief, addressing imbalances that can be burdening the body and lowering the vagotonic state (the deep restful state required for healing) or whether they are assisting the phase in another way such as by keeping the exit pathways clear and tonified for effective removal of metabolic waste.

Here I will list everything I have found beneficial to the Biological Program. The majority of products are available in my natural health shop,, which focuses on selling products that I believe to be beneficial to the natural processes of the body. Due to restrictions, I am unable to give specific health information on my shop website, so this article also serves the purpose of offering this information to customers.

This article is work in progress, and will be built up over time.


Essiac Tea is a specific 4-herb remedy that is famed for use with cancer patients by a nurse called Rene Caisse, who received the recipe from an Indigenous tribe. More info is on the shop product description.

Essiac works on the lymphatic system. It tonifies and clears the lymph and is therefore useful to support the removal of metabolic waste produced during the Healing Phase.

Product link: CLICK HERE


Diatomaceous Earth is highly absorbant, silica-rich product made up of the exoskeletons if ancient microscopic diatoms. It is taken in water and is a very common supplement bulking agent (silicon dioxide).

I use Diatomaceous Earth extensively in my practice. It has excellent properties as follows:

  • Anti-parasitic – while many parasites van have a symbiotic relationship with us and can be helpful for healing phases, they often cause intense symtpoms and can cause stress on the body, reducing vagotonia. Re-balancing parasites in my experience and practice can be especially helpful in cases of hanging healing.
  • Heavy metal removal – DE gently removes heavy metal toxins, which can burden and stress the body and act as a poison to our body.
  • Silica-rich – silica is used by the body to produce collagen, which is used for connective tissue regeneration. Therefore, Biological Programs involving the skin, hair, nails, joints, bones, etc. can benefit from DE

Product link: CLICK HERE


Magnesium is extremely helpful in a biological program as it is a relaxant for the body and mind. It is therefore extremely supportive to vagotonia in the healing phase, and can reduce sympathicotonia, reducing intensity of the active phase and therefore the healing phase. In addition, many people are deficient in magnesium, which can add burden and stress to the body and cause symptoms outside of GNM (malnutrition). Magnesium has a natural, gentle anti-inflammatory and can help ease anxiety, bringing calm and balance.While it is helpful in all biological programs, it is especially helpful in programs where there is displacement of calcium andprograms involving the digestion, circulation and connective tissue, and where there are Constellations.

Magnesium Chloride Flakes

Magnesium Chloride Flakes are used transdermally (through the skin), either in the bath a footbath or mixed into water to make an oil. For more information on usage and deficiency, you can view my article The Magnesium Deficiency Epidemic

Additionally, as the magnesium flakes are extracted from a natural earth source, i.e. Dead Sea, they can be helpful to reduce the Syndrome when used in a bath. Use 1.5Kg per average bath (approx 150Litres) , ensure it is above waist height and soak for as long as possible. You will spontaneously urinate when the kidney collecting tubules have opened.

Oral Magensium Supplements

I always recomment magnesium baths, as explained in the above-mentioned article. However, where baths are not possible or preferable, oral supplements can be used. The most effective oral magnesium supplements I have tested for clients are Magnesium Glycinate (bisglycinate) and Magnesium L-Threonate, the latter being specially formulated to pass the blood-brain barrier (if there is one!).

Product links are: Magnesium Chloride Flakes, Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium L-Threonate


Himalayan salt is claimed to be the cleanest salt available on the planet. Himalayan crystal salt is pristine and natural and is believed to be from the Primordial Sea. It consists of the most perfect geometric structure possible in rock crystals, the result of millions of years of compression under the Earth’s surface. Its has precise mesh with our body’s inner workings because Himalayan crystal salt contains an almost identical set of elements to those found inside the human body: that is, 84 of 92 trace minerals, in the same proportion as naturally exists in our blood. It is believed that Himalayan Salt does not burden the body like regular salt does as it is bio-available and can be effectively utilised and processed by the body.

Himalayan crystal salt can be consumed as mineral water by dissolving a pinch in water, dissolved in a hot bath and can be used on your food and cooking in place of regular salt.

I consider Himalayan Salt to be one of the best salts to use for reducing the Syndrome when used in a bath. Use 1.5Kg per average bath (approx 150Litres) , ensure it is above waist height and soak for as long as possible. You will spontaneously urinate when the kidney collecting tubules have opened.

Product Links: Fine Himalayan Salt, Coarse Himalayan Salt

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