From a GNM perspective, when you have symptoms, you are already in Healing. I recommend that you read The Wisdom of German New Medicine before reading this article, in order for it to make more sense!

The following is not official GNM, but tips and advice based upon how I practice using the principles and firm foundation of the Five Biological Laws of Nature as a basis for everything I now do. It is based upon my own and clients’ experiences as well as reviewing all my studies and research over the years from the new perspective of GNM (that is working out what is still relevant and what is not, what is actually harming the process, why things work or even appear to work, and whether they really are helping, when reviewed with the knowledge of the Five Biological Laws).

You need to TRUST in GNM!!

T = Trust the process and Trust your body
R = Relax & Don’t Panic
U = Understand your Conflict & the Biological Program
S = Support Healing (or the phase you are in)
T = Tracks (identify tracks if there is a recurrence, relapse or in the case of a chronic condition.

I go into detail into all these points in my events, and also in part 2 of the event video (link: HERE).


As an introduction, I have put together some basic tips for assisting the Healing Phase:

  1. Find your Conflict
    You can do this by visiting and using the Index A-Z of symptoms/conditions, or by consulting with a practitioner or therapist who has a firm understanding of GNM
  2. Assess where you are on the compass – (likely Healing Phase if there are symptoms) and support this phase
  3. Healing can be slowed down if severe, but use these methods wisely so as not to prevent healing. eg.
    – Natural anti-inflammatories
    – Cold applications / compress (eg particularly on the head at epiletoid crisis)
    – Hot saunas / baths (these have a stimulating effect which is why they ease symptoms as they slow healing!)
  4.  Natural remedies, products & preparations can be used that have no stimulating effect, and with a knowledge of whether they are preventing the healing process
  5. Positive mindset & reduced fear/stress will facilitate healing
  6. If there are recurrences, identify any tracks / triggers

Remember relief of symptoms doesn’t always mean what you are doing is promoting healing as symptoms are our healing!

Some Tips for Supporting Healing:

  • Move through the symptoms, not away from them, and listen to what your body is saying to you
    • e.g. fatigue = ‘I need to rest’, Pain = ‘I need to immobilise that area’
  • Understanding the programme and what to expect to remove fear over what is happening
  • Distract yourself with a hobby you enjoy, work, reading, helping others, etc
  • Keep a positive mindset, meditation, mindfulness, positive affirmations
  • Support your health with a well-balanced, wholefood, healthful diet
    • If there are night sweats it is essential to greatly increase protein intake!
  • Supportive therapies will help the non-stress vagatonic state (such as Reiki, massage, reflexology) & therapies such as Kinesiology, Homeopathy and Nutritional Therapy from a practitioner who works with GNM principles may also be beneficial
  • Meditation, mindfulness, EFT and other emotional work can be supportive PROVIDED that there is no focus on digging up past issues which can cause recurrences/relapses.

Some things that are Unsupportive to Healing:

  • Anti-fungals, anti-bacterials, etc will work against the microbes that are facilitating healing. You can use natural products to calm serious ‘infections’ down
  • Alkalising will reduce the acidic environment required by microbes for them to work optimally, particularly in the first stage of healing
  • Feeling there is ‘something wrong in that area’ can cause additional Self Devaluation conflict
  • Just having an awareness of the conflict is all that is needed! Deep emotional work can re-trigger conflicts and cause relapses and stressful emotions!
  • Stress & Fear – avoid stressful situations, negative people, etc
  • Not listening to your body’s needs, rest when needed, do not push yourself
  • Stimulants – avoid Stimulating medications (most), Stimulating herbs/remedies, stimulating exercise, etc

Further Resources

For more information and further understanding on how you can apply the knowledge of GNM to your life and healing, please consider reading the Third Edition of my book Holistic Well-being: A New Paradigm Shift, attending an event/presentation, subscribing to my Youtube channel and viewing my Digestible Morsels series.

You can also view this in a presentation in Part 2 of the video of  Sacred Medicine Event in Wales in August 2020,  where I go into each point in much more depth and also cover the new perspective of disease prevention.

I can also offer consultations on my therapy website:

You may also wish to read the GNM Therapy information on HERE

There are related videos on Therapy by Ing. Helmut Pilhar who was officially endorsed as a lecturer by Dr Hamer:
The Therapy in Germanische Heilkunde available HERE and
Therapy in Conventional Medicine HERE

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