The Potential Implications of Brexit from a GNM Perspective

When Brexit is finally done, I’m predicting there may be some kind of outbreak of some sort of disease or multiple diseases. These could possibly be concerning the bronchi, pancreas, stomach, gall bladder, coronary arteries, rectum or GI tract. There could even be what may become collectively known as Brexit Flu (as often these things that cannot be explained by conventional means are often called a flu or virus)!

I feel this very important to share. Those who understand German New Medicine  will understand its importance, so I don’t want this to appear to be just a sweeping conspiracy statement! But I also don’t want to scare anyone. It’s important not to be fearful which is why I am giving practical advice.

It is useful to have at least a basic understanding of GNM to fully appreciate this article, this can be found HERE

On understanding German New Medicine, you will know that symptoms occur after the resolution of a conflict in a ‘healing phase’ of a biological programme. You will also understand that everyone experiences conflicts in ways that are personal to them based in their beliefs and emotional state. However, in conflicts that affect people en masse, there will inevitably be found what appear to be outbreaks or unexplained clusters of a certain disease. Usually it is termed as “a ‘flu’ or ‘virus’ that effects people in different ways”, possibly due to the fever and inflammation that occur in the healing phase of these biological programmes.

Here are some of the ways that a Brexit resolution may have an impact:

Conditions related to the GI tract are caused by an ‘indigestible morsel’ conflict – this could be news that one cannot digest.

Conditions related to some parts of the pancreas are caused by a Territorial anger conflict.

Bronchial conditions can be related to a territorial fear conflict.

Abandonment / refugee conflict affects the kidney tubules are which can cause inflammation and obesity and conditions in the kidney.

Conditions concerning the coronary vessels can be caused by a territorial loss conflict and a heart attack or blood clot on the lung can be part of these symptoms. When the conflict has taken a long time to resolve, these can be very serious.

My Advice

Of course while many of us consider Brexit to be of importance, and it is, my concern is for those who are really emotionally caught up in the propaganda of it all and have allowed it to infiltrate their entire being.

My practical advice to anyone, especially if you feel that the result of Brexit is going to be a huge relief or shock to you –  you need to downgrade this now. Take a step back and see Brexit for what it really is. Change your perspective on the importance of Brexit. Realise that not much is actually going to change in the short term, that elite rule will continue either way. Brexit has been a huge psychological operation all along. Move your focus from politics to yourself and your life and look after your own world. Realise how much of your power you may have given to this external fiasco and reclaim it.

If you should experience any symptoms after the resolution of Brexit, do not panic. Allow your healing to resolve. Study German New Medicine further, particularly the information on  so you know what to expect as this can be really reassuring and remove any fear.  Additionally, you may want to consult with a practitioner who has a firm understanding of GNM to help you support the healing process.

This is something I have personally had to consider for myself as I have found I can sometimes get carried away with Brexit, as my research way before Brexit was even thought up led me to realise the true nature of the EU, and I have unfortunately lost some friends who strongly believe we should ‘remain’ by fully committing to EU membership.

Please share this information with anyone you feel may be affected.

Much love xx


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