This is a Blessing I wrote which is inspired by different techniques and meditations that helped me through a period of extreme anxiety. We need to practice self love as we cannot give from an empty cup. This daily blessing is written to assist you to fill your cup so you may cope better with daily stresses, change your perception and outlook to a more positive one, and receive and give love more freely. It contains some very powerful healing techniques including the Ho’oponopono mantra, gratitude, forgiveness, self healing and acceptance.

When you begin to read these to yourself, it may feel very emotional. I couldn’t even read them to my Yoga class without fighting back tears! But know that each time you recite this, it is healing you more and more, and it will become easier. To ease yourself into it emotionally I recommend following these stages, moving to the next when you are able to freely recite it without triggering any emotion!

Stage 1 is to practice this in your head, morning and night.
Stage 2 say it aloud, it is more powerful and may be difficult and emotional for you, but that is ok – let it flow!
Stage 3 is to say it aloud in front of the mirror – when you can do this without getting emotional, feeling silly, or self-conscious you have mastered it!

Once you know these words by heart, you can also recite them in your head as soon as you awaken each morning, and as you drop off to sleep at night. At -these times when you are half asleep/half awake, your brain wave is in alpha frequency, your both brain hemispheres are balanced and you are highly receptive to intuitive thoughts, you are aligned with your soul and have a deep spiritual connection.

TIP: pause at each line and really feel the blessing, feel the love flow. When you reach the gratitude part, really feel the gratitude, feel how lucky you really are! The more you invoke these positive feelings, the more powerful the exercise will be!

Place your left hand on your heart:

I Bless my Body – that it is Healthy, Strong and free from suffering

I Bless my Mind – that it is Peaceful, Balanced and free from fear

I Bless my Soul – that I see and feel the Love within me and in all living things

I Bless my Present – that I notice the Beauty around me in every moment

I Bless my Future – that it is not a reflection of my past

I Bless my Past – that my challenges and lessons turn into Wisdom

I Bless the Divine in me – let it flow around me, and through me, and guide me on my path…and let it show me signs so that I know it is real

Now, I give gratitude – for my life, and for ME…..(and add anything you are grateful for)

And for all the times I have shown myself anger, frustration or fear….

I am Sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you…..


For a downloadable and printable version of this, please click HERE

Here is a video of the Blessing:

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