These fermented foods are very rich in natural, living probiotics and yeasts which replenish our support system* by replenishing our gut bacteria and clearing out any rubbish (start eating them slowly, increasing over a week, and prepare for some interesting trips to the toilet!!) Sauerkraut You need: an organic white …

Fermented Food & Drink
Bone Broth
Bone broth is very nutritious. It contains oodles of collagen and healing compounds which assist in repairing the gut and calming inflammation. It is loaded with minerals and very easy to digest. It replenishes our support system* and aids digestion. Bone broth can be eaten as a soup complete with …

Vaccine Propaganda Analysed
previously published on the National Health Federation UK website This is included in much more detail in the Second Edition of my book, Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift Please feel free to comment with your own thoughts or experiences below. To Immunise or Not To Immunise – THAT is the Question! …