This is included in much more detail and has been updated in the Third Edition of my book, Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift I was originally inspired to write this article after having many unhealthy vegetarian clients, and having personally had problems caused by being vegetarian. There has also more …
The Veggie / Vegan Debate
7 Foods for Cancer?
I recently saw this video shared around Facebook but this information could have the opposite effects if taken literally and without being given the whole truth. It is an example of how good information can make it into mainstream and viral feeds, but by only giving the half truth it …

Vaccine Propaganda Analysed
previously published on the National Health Federation UK website This is included in much more detail in the Second Edition of my book, Holistic Well-being: A Paradigm Shift Please feel free to comment with your own thoughts or experiences below. To Immunise or Not To Immunise – THAT is the Question! …