There are many options for learning about the 5 Biological Laws, whether it is through mine or others’ videos, joining the Facebook or Telegram, joining in with a Live Q&A sessions, studying all the resources on or the GHK Academy, attending one of my events and/or reading my book.

However, I understand that sometimes you just need to talk things through and ask questions that you may not want to put in the public domain, such as in a social media group, or ask in front of others at live sessions or events.

Lloyd and I are therefore excited to be able to offer individual support sessions to help your learning and understanding of the laws and how to apply them. This service is offered primarily by Zoom or sometimes Jitsi, however we can also offer these in person either at my therapy room in Caerphilly or we can travel to you for additional travel costs. All sessions are with both myself and my husband Lloyd.

These sessions are aimed at those with a basic knowledge or understanding of the concept of GNM and the Five Biological Laws. For example, you will have watched our show on Richplanet TV (link here: Richplanet TV), read the introduction into the biological laws chapter in my book or introductory articles and videos on this website (See here: New to GNM?), read or watched the information on or been introduced to it another way.

These sessions can be individual to your own requirements, but here are some ideas on what they could be useful for:

  • general and specific questions to help with your continuing study
  • assisting the paradigm shift into this new way of thinking
  • discussing the laws in relation to your beliefs
  • helping to ascertain what is supportive to certain phases of the biological program
  • assisting with practising your therapy with the principles of the biological laws
  • looking at a client case from this new perspective if you are a therapist (we recommend you obtain permission from your client first)
  • further understanding of the relevance of the laws in your own journey

What we can offer at the session: As a nutritional therapist, kinesiologist and homeopath (plus qualifications in other therapies), I am able to discuss how I transitioned from practising through the ‘old’ way of thinking to practising these modalities using the biological laws as the foundation. Additionally, Lloyd and I have researched into natural health since 2004 and much of what we learnt has had to be reassessed. So we are also able to draw on our vast research and explain why and how certain things work or why they don’t, and how our beliefs have changed where appropriate.

Lloyd and I have both studied the 5 biological laws (GNM) together, and both attended the International Training Conference in Austria. We have found it invaluable to have both our input at online sessions, as we both have slightly different approaches and therefore we offer these sessions with both of us present together!

What we CANNOT offer at the session:
These sessions are not therapy sessions, and we are unable to offer advice or recommendations for you to follow. These sessions are for you to understand more about the Biological Laws so you are empowered and more able to make clearer choices for yourself. Lloyd and I are not medically trained, so we are unable to give advice on treatments, medications and medical procedures, outside of how they could affect a Biological program.
While I am able to draw upon my other therapies, such as including surrogate muscle testing to ascertain what supplements, foods etc are beneficial or not for you, however the decision and responsibility falls on you to make any changes you feel are necessary for your personal journey.
There is no official training for GNM or understanding the 5 Biological Laws, and as such, therapy insurance is not available purely for sharing the knowledge. GNM is not a modality per se, but is a firm foundation and basis for practising other modalities, and healthy living in general! Therefore these sessions are strictly for educational purposes only.

Cost: Sessions are charged at £60 for an hour, plus £10 per 15mins thereafter, offering you flexibility. This includes a follow-up email with relevant further info links if required.  You can state a time limit at the time of booking or at the start of your session if you wish. We will book an hour by default unless a different time is requested. Additional time can be added at the time if our diaries allow.

Card payment is taken in advance through the checkout link given once you book.

Booking: Please contact me for availability and to book an appointment, or view my online booking system HERE (on my therapy website).

By requesting a online session you are indicating your agreement to the GNM disclaimer which can be found HERE. We may also verbally read out a disclaimer at the start of your session and ask you to agree. Sessions may be recorded for yours and our protection, but they are never shared.

DISCLAIMER: GNM online sessions are for education and information purposes only. Information is not intended as advice and should not replace that given by a medical professional.