Thank you for visiting my website!

I am a self-published author and researcher into issues that effect us in our everyday lives. While this is primarily focused on natural health,  spirituality and holistic living, I also pay close attention to other issues I feel may either be having a negative impact upon us or political issues that may prevent us from living holistically healthful lives, either presently or as a threat to our future health freedom. I have had many articles published in the international health magazine Health Freedom News, and even appeared in mainstream tabloids (even though this was a hit piece on the oxygen therapy called Chlorine Dioxide Solution!)

As well as being an author, I am holistic therapist qualified in Nutritional Therapy, Kinesiology, Reflexology and Homeopathy and have diplomas in Nutrition for Cancer Prevention and Longevity and Holistic Diagnosis Skills. I am also qualified as a Reiki Master/Teacher, Angel Master/Teacher and Hatha Yoga Teacher.

I have personally practiced Yoga since 1997, however my path of study and research began back in 2005 when I discovered Reiki Healing. It is continuing today with my study of the suppressed science of Germanic New Medicine, which gives an entirely different perspective on health and disease. I have a great passion for sharing this empowering science which is based upon biological laws and found throughout nature. My husband and I attended an international training conference in Austria in 2019 and our research and study into this fascinating subject continues to truly deepen our awareness.

Along with my qualifications, I have extensively researched into Body Detox and Natural Health for my natural health business, Shop Holistic Ltd. I now work on a consultancy basis researching not only into cutting edge natural health innovations and discoveries (often bringing back ancient wisdom and natural methods!), but also into the best source and variety/form of these products for optimum health, while focusing on only those practices and products that are in alignment with the Biological Laws. So any advice in my articles on sourcing products is borne from that research. Hopefully, this will save you from the many rogue traders, horrendously over-priced products, false science claims and pyramid selling often found in the natural health industry!

My approach is always focused on finding the root cause and the information I put out is aimed at being solution based as much as possible. Research is carried out by seeking the original studies, and original researchers and discoverers to get to the raw unadulterated information. Yet still, I take nothing as read and utilise meditation, psychological moments and intuitive reasoning to form my understanding of the information I have received. This helps me to offer my information from a viewpoint which is my own, rather than regurgitating parrot fashion. I also like to write in a style that is clear and easy to understand with no baffling science, even for those who are new to natural health and I hope I achieve this!

I understand that truth is an individual realisation, and therefore my hope is that my resources and perspective will offer you a new way of seeing things, which can help in our own realisations! My articles are not meant to dictate but to discuss, educate and empower in whichever way you choose. You are the one with the power!

As well as an author, I am a health freedom and truth activist. I feel passionate about people’s freedom of choice especially when it comes to their health and rights. I have dedicated much of my time freely (and often at my own cost) to spreading awareness of news & views that are not covered by the mainstream, including ways in which we can take back our power and protect ourselves whether it be in health, politics or human rights. I have founded a micronation called Gamorgannwg Indigenous People, which is in South Wales and has a Consitution based upon Natural Law and the Biological Laws of Nature. I am passionate about building a brighter future for generations to come, and realising my dream of stepping out of this corrupt reality and unbiological existence we are forced and coerced into accepting. If you would like more information on this, please visit the website

On this website you will find many articles I have written, mainly on health issues. Many of these are adapted from drafts of chapters in my books. I have also written many articles on other subjects which have been published to the website

Please ask me first if you wish to copy or use any information on my website as much of it is subject to copyright issues as it is now included in my book.  I have had many articles and information that I have written copied and even claimed to be others’ work in the past, and I feel this is disrespectful and dishonest. I am generally happy for the information to be used if it is not restricted, but please respect me by asking first and acknowledging me!

Thank you for reading x