DATE: 11th January 2025
TIME: 11am – 5pm
PLACE: Twyn Community Centre, Caerphilly, S.Wales CF83 1JL
COST: £35 (includes drinks)*
A New Understanding of Health, Biology and Disease
An information event and workshop on the Biological Laws of Nature, which includes a presentation on the science behind the Laws, a look at case studies, living with the Laws and supporting healing when there is a diagnosis. We will look at some commonly believed medical myths, and you will learn how to discern the information we are given to be fact with discernment by applying the knowledge of the Biological Laws. There will be regular breaks and opportunities for questions to help you to absorb and appreciate the concepts of this empowering information.
After lunch, the day will take on more of a lighter, interactive feel, when there will be an interactive workshop looking at the current issues of disease prevention and finding ideas on how we can prevent ‘disease’ and share this empowering knowledge with others in a palatable way. We will also give a muscle testing tutorial, which is a great way of asking your body what it needs!
By the end of the day you will understand why cancer, chronic conditions and terminal illness are all a misdiagnosis!
This event is open to all – and it is intended for it to be suitable not only for beginners to the Biological Laws, but also as a refresher for those who are learning and aware, and for meeting like-minded people.
A variety of hot and cold drinks and light snacks are included in the price.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the travelling involved, this event will go ahead providing there is sufficient tickets sold. If the event does not go ahead, ticket holders will be offered various choices for refund or reimbursement, such as an alternative event via online or in-person, and/or a full or partial refund.