The GNM/GHK Experiences are shared by clients, members of the GNM/GHK Community groups I run on social media, viewers of mine & Lloyd’s Richplanet interview and emails sent to me by viewers of my videos, or readers of my book and website.
If you would like to share a GNM/GHK Experience for possible inclusion on my website, please get in touch! Experiences can really help others to see how the Biological Laws can play out in real life, particularly how the conflicts and symptoms were discovered and supported during the process.
The following is from Rob, a member of the Facebook Group:
I’ve been waking-up on occasion, sneezing uncontrollably for between 10 minutes and even 3 exhausting hours at-a-time. I realised a couple of days ago (after a 3 hour session!) that I was having an “allergic reaction” to fresh bed linen, so what others perceive as fragrant & fresh, I was perceiving as chemicals & detergents!
The smell dissipates quite quickly, so it only normally affects me for one day.
GNM suggests that I’m possibly in some kind of track triggered by the smell, but mainly that I’m having a stink conflict (and they say Germans don’t have a sense of humour)!
So the morning after my really bad morning (yesterday morning, to be precise), I woke up and could feel that nasal irritation coming on and it was only a minute or so after I had detected that lovely whiff of conditioner on the duvet. I decided to break the spell (track) by grabbing the duvet and stuffing it right next to my nose, sniffing it like a dog searching for a bone and telling myself what a load of nonsense this all was. Within a few minutes, I simply went back to sleep. I think this is called “facing your fears” – a whiff can’t hurt you!
DISCLAIMER:- Please use discernment when trying this GNM-based technique yourself. I, for one, will NOT be using it the next time my daughter Emma decides to break wind, for example!