The GNM/GHK Experiences are shared by clients, members of the GNM/GHK Community groups I run on social media, viewers of mine & Lloyd’s Richplanet interview and emails sent to me by viewers of my videos, or readers of my book and website.

If you would like to share a GNM/GHK Experience for possible inclusion on my website, please get in touch! Experiences can really help others to see how the Biological Laws can play out in real life, particularly how the conflicts and symptoms were discovered and supported during the process.

The following experience was shared in my GNM/GHK group:

When I first started to learn about GHK I had allergies when eating nuts, apples and carrots. I would get an itchy throat and my lips would tingle in a way that I wanted to bite them. I also made this weird noise to help itch the back of my throat lol, not attractive 🤣

So since about the age of 18, as far as I can recall, I avoided these items.

Upon learning about tracks and how these allergies are not a direct action of the apple carrot or nut I just decided I would start eating them again and now I have no reaction when eating apples and carrots. I tend to still avoid whole nuts ( think it’s my mindset) but I can eat items that have nuts in them.

For me, this evidence spurred me on to continue my GHK journey and now I am starting to help family and friends, the receptive ones that is! It really is a game changer.

I don’t think of GHK as a modality but a true understanding of the biological process. I look back now and think that my Biology GCSE for the most part was a complete waste of time 😂


Thank you, Priya!

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