About my ‘Ramblings’

When I write a newsletter, sometimes the words seem to flow and often I don’t even know what I’ve written until I read it back! I call these my ramblings, and you may have guessed if you have read them before that I like to share them in their unaltered state so they are straight from the heart!

Here is a selection of the ramblings I have written in the past for your amusement (and hopefully you will find a little inspiriation from them too)!

July 2021:


Things are getting curiouser and curiouser, and from what I can see, they are definitely turning around for the better. More and more people are waking up, and it seems that those who are losing control are simply throwing their toys out the pram!

The past 2 years have been very challenging for many, including me. However, I have found a few things have made it much less challenging than it could have been, and much more productive/constructive and even positive! I will share these here in case they help you too!

1. Understanding GNM

This goes without saying, that if you understand the 5 biological laws, you knew from the very beginning that there couldn’t possibly be a physical pandemic. You would have also understood that fear, panic and isolation can cause conflicts and in turn caused symptoms, and that any symptoms experienced would be down to everyone’s perception of there being a ‘virus’. So, what a better way to protect yourself than to not engage with the fear, to exercise your basic human rights to freedom, travel and contact with other human beings without fear, and check your perception of the situation was not going to be drawn into the fear of it – mainly by avoiding the fear-propaganda from mainstream media and the alternative scene who do not understand the biological laws!

2. Understanding the Logical Fallacies

With an understanding of the logical fallacies, we can become empowered to use discernment when looking at studies, research and whether to believe what people are telling us. They are extremely powerful to know, and that is why I dedicated an entire chapter to them in my book, Holistic Well-being: A New Paradigm Shift! This along with the knowledge of the 5 Biological Laws has allowed me to dismiss probably up to 80-90% of the information (mainly fear-mongering) on both sides of the mainstream/alternative fields!

3. Following Trump

When I first discovered Q and the plan to ‘drain the swamp’ in 2019 I was extremely dismissive. However something told me to keep an eye on things, which I did. The realisation of this plan being the legacy of JFK and JFK Jr, who was a dear friend to Trump, made me watch with interest, and when I saw Trump’s actions as president falling precisely in line with Q predictions and information, and saw with my own eyes the many hints and drops he made in reference to Q, I realised that this was worth following with keener interest. When the media began attacking Q (which they call Qanon, even though there is no such thing) I knew there was definitely something to it that the ‘establishment’ didn’t like. Think of the persecution of Dr Hamer, it is similar to the persecution that Trump and the Q movement have received.

Yes I have been ridiculed and mocked for supporting Trump and Q, and I am not saying that anyone involved doesn’t have their own agenda in some way. In any case, and whether anything comes of it or not, I will always be grateful to Trump and Q for 3 things: 1. giving people the hope that there are good people in high places and it is not just cabal, 2. instigating and amplifying a mass awakening of humanity, and 3. giving me a distraction and also some entertainment (it has been like watching a film with good and bad characters!).

More recently, it has been further suggested that Trump Devolved the power of government in December 2020. There is some very interesting and thorough research into the Executive Orders and main players in this by ‘Patel patriot’ and I recommend you check his research out at devolution.link

The way I see it, if things do go horribly wrong and we go down the One World path in unstoppable fashion, at least I haven’t lived in fear for the past 2 years, but in hope. And that is something to be grateful for!

4. Becoming a Sovereign being in our own Sovereign Community Trust

So rather than waiting for someone else to give us back our power, we have taken it back for ourselves. The Universal Community Trust network of Family Trusts uses the tools of the UK system and legal tactics used by the elite to protect ourselves. It is very empowering to create a family trust which is like putting a bubble around you, your family and your assets. The UCT runs a 3-trust system like that used by Tony Blair, among others. Then the added benefit of being a part of a large network of very knowledgeable people, with many different areas of expertise, is very reassuring and gives a real sense of security that we can protect ourselves against the tyranny unfolding.

If you would like some more information, our community runs regular information events in Southe Wales, and other communities do too around the UK. Further information can be found at www.universal-community-trust.org and the SCT Lloyd and I founded is www.GlamSCT.org

May 2021:

I hope you are keeping sane and well! I am finding that things on every level are changing every day, confirming we are still in the midst of this mass healing, awakening and transformation!

Personally, I have been experiencing many strange symptoms, some as a result of resolutions, and therefore a part of the healing phase of biological programs, and some just plain weird, if I am truthful! I have experienced a lot of clearing out on many levels, emotionally, physically and energetically including numerous heavy metal toxicities and EMF/radiation poisoning (often this is secondary to heavy metal toxicity due to basically walking around like an antenna!).

One of the strangest and most puzzling symptoms I have experienced is episodes of complete numbness down the entire front of my body, reaching from my nose to my lower legs, and sometimes even over my scalp! These have been mostly experienced after falling asleep in the evening, and appear to have calmed down the past couple of weeks. I’ve puzzled over this looking at it from the GNM perspective, and with kinesiology (which is how I found the toxicities etc). It did appear to begin after a minor trauma, but some things just don’t add up and I have come to the conclusion that the various other things going on with toxicities etc are just muddying the waters and I have had to just surrender to the fact that my body knows best and knows what it is doing. I am supporting the process in various ways, such as taking zeolite and a personalised homeopathic remedy to remove the heavy metals, using an earthing sheet at night, wearing shungite and keeping orgonite around me, taking Zell Oxygen Plus (an amazing product I swear by and use extensively with myself and clients, sometimes for targeted use and sometimes just as a tonic), and various other things that my body muscle tests for too. Some spiritual friends think it is part of the ‘upgrade’ we have to experience, it does appear to be giving me ‘third eye’ headaches and occasional feelings of ‘disconnect’, so who knows!?

My body has a tendency to make me experience things so I will learn about them. It really is my greatest teacher (even though I wish sometimes it wouldn’t be!!). But the point I am making in sharing my experience is, sometimes it is OK not to have a clue what is going on because at the end of the day, it is all about trusting your body and trusting the process.

As Dr Hamer stated, poisons can cause symptoms without a DHS, and there are many unnatural issues in today’s world such as EMF, GMOs, heavy metal toxins and chemical food additives that could be classed as poisons and therefore could potentially be interfering with biological programs. This can make it a bit more challenging to trust the process as the symptoms of the biological program may not be so clear-cut due to other symptoms being present. As we have to identify conflicts through our symptoms in the absence of brain scans, it can become difficult to identify the conflict and therefore know what to expect.

But this shouldn’t make us trust our bodies less, at times like this we just need to turn that trust into faith! It really makes me appreciate my body even more when I think of how it copes with the constant bombardment of external forces that it has not adapted to deal with because they never existed for previous generations! Understanding the Biological Laws, we know that these external factors are not going to cause disease, but they will strip us of our life force, increasing our susceptibility to experience more intense symptoms and even susceptibility to experience a conflict shock in the first place. The stress that they cause on our system can interfere with healing phase and stimulate the conflict active phase, therefore interfering with biological programs that we may be experiencing and may not otherwise have even noticed as they would ordinarily be fairly minor.

On another note, becoming too analytical of what is occurring may even be counterproductive. We can begin to analyse everything to the ‘enth degree and this has the potential to trigger self-devaluation or other conflicts, as we are subconsciously saying ‘there is something wrong with me’. So just knowing enough to remove the fear, but leave the rest to faith, trust and truth (no, not pixie dust……..oh ok, maybe just a little!)

The Dreaded VaX Issue!

Of course as I have described, having a vaccine with poisonous ingredients (and one we know is not even based upon science, when you understand the biological laws) is not going to do us any favours. But I have been sent various videos and articles about vaccine and protein spike shedding theories that are creating fear in the alternative health field. I truly believe that this is a clever psychological operation to bring fear to those unvaccinated and unmasked, as without this fear they have no control over us. Do not fall for it! I have written a new brief article on this entitled “Are you Getting Caught up in the CV Fear?”, including my experience of almost falling for it too, which is on my website here: https://www.daniellebryant.co.uk/2021/05/01/are-you-getting-caught-up-in-the-cv-fear/

February 2021:

As the chaos of the global epi crisis ensues, it really does feel on all levels like everything is going wrong! But it is all a process, as really speaking there is no right or wrong, there just IS. My trust in the process, just like my trust in the process of GNM, still stands!

This is the part of healing that takes most courage and patience. The return of the stress of the shock returns and we are no longer relaxed in the vagatonic state. I have recognised many epi crises in my own journey and in particular, after the resolution to conflicts caused by learning GNM and the shocks of hearing for the first time how we had dedicated the past 15 years of our lives to natural alternative health that was all based on incorrect fundamental foundations.

I will admit it took some courage to face this, particularly with already being in the business of helping others. As each truth was uncovered in my learning the biological laws, I felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility to my clients and readers of my book, that I had given incorrect information. And this was the impetus that pushed through my cognitive dissonance. I wanted to be sharing the truth, not a version of something close to it that fitted in with my beliefs! This certainly caused some conflicts for me along the way!

Most epi crises have caused me to wake with a start and a panic in the early hours. Sometimes in a sweat, often with a gasp, but regardless of the biological program, even if it is just a boil about to erupt, for me there is usually a sense of everything being hopeless, every little symptom being something major that I have ignored and is now running rampant without me knowing, and a sense of ‘what is the point?’ ‘I just do not know what to do with myself’ or ‘this is never going to get better’ I have even had to talk myself back to sleep, assuring myself that I will wake up in the morning! (I am sure some of this stems from my particular breast journey and is something that obviously still needs some work!)

I get the same ‘epi crisis feeling’ in today’s happenings. And this is what is keeping my faith in the process. I am recognising the similar sense of hopelessness, the fear of being under attack and having no power over something threatening, and patience beginning to wear thin. But when I recognise it as an epi crisis, I trust in the process and know that we just need patience, so much is going on behind the scenes (as it is in our bodies at epi crisis) and we just need to TRUST!

For how long? Who knows. The process can take days, weeks, months, years. After all we are talking of a major shift in consciousness and mass awakening of humanity, and who knows when the DHS was? We need to stretch the compass out over that timeline!

It is both a scary and exciting time to be alive, just like the epi crisis becomes exciting when my rational thinking takes over, and I recognise what is happening for what it is – a huge turning point in the program and once it is over, we just need to recover in Healing phase B!

So what do we do during epi crisis? This is when we can remind ourselves with positive affirmations and meditation that all is well and recognise, but do not prevent the healing. This is when we need to rely on our ‘pack’ – those who understand GNM and can help us through this challenging time, those who can remind us that we are at the turning point and those who we can trust to not add to our fear and panic. This is my main reason for creating the UK Communities and support groups.

January 2021:

Things really are heating up (apparently) in the pantomime that the mainstream media is promoting. We only need to trust that so much is going on for the greater good behind the scenes, and never lose sight of the end goal, which is a world that benefits all of humanity.

I think of this a little like the epi crisis of the Great Awakening that has been occurring. We have been conflict active in this for so long, seeing our rights slowly eroded and feeling increasingly powerless to those who think they rule us, as they continued to suppress vital information that empowered us, such as the knowledge of our individual sovereignty, the way in which we are controlled through the government ‘corporations’, and the truth of our bodies and nature, as we teach through GNM. Keeping this knowledge from us causes the majority of us to live a fear-based existence, one where we believe life happens to us, and not for (or because of) us!

The aggressive furthering of the agenda of the corporate ‘deep state’ last year has caused a resolution to this conflict, and we entered the healing phase when we were forcibly locked-down. Healing is not always pretty – in fact in most cases it is far from it! It has been painful, scary and just as we are fatigued and forced to rest in healing (through pain, stiffness, etc), restrictions have forced us into this restful space. Unfortunately for ‘them’, this has become a catalyst for the mass awakening of many.

We know from the compass that we hit rock bottom before bouncing up into epi crisis. This is where all that conflict activity returns briefly such as stress, fear, anxiety. We feel totally alone and things appear pointless, fruitless, like things are never going to get better (sound familiar?)

There is some time to go, but if we keep following the compass, and keep our focus on this amazing bright awakened and transparent future, if we look after ourselves and trust in the process (just like we need to do when we are in a biological program), then we keep moving forwards towards this future.

Just like we have so much going on in our bodies all the time, lots of little DHSs we don’t even know about, that is what I truly believe is happening now in a global and universal level. All we need to do is TRUST, and have faith that light always wins over darkness, good always overcomes evil. We are moving in that dark tunnel, towards the light. Can you feel it too?

December 2020

As we hit the darkest of days, the Solstice reminds us that light is being born and will emerge again into our lives. We are moving from Dark to Light and are in the midst of a great awakening.

As with all things in life, we need to hit rock bottom before we bounce back. And since Saturday’s announcement of a strict shut down, it is very easy to get carried away with anger, frustration and a feeling of hopelessness. But it is important not to let this affect you. Keep your energy lifted, and your head held high (preferably without a mask on!!).

I am sure there will be a lot of things happening over the coming weeks/months, these are mad times with crazy energy stuff going on. Panic and chaos, though painful can be good, as this is needed for cleansing and new beginnings, as I explained last time. So I wanted to give a little advice based upon things that I have been watching going on behind the iron curtain of the mainstream media bubble that most people tend to live in. These are based on what may potentially occur, and I always think it is better to be prepared just in case. I am not saying go to extremes, and it is up to you if you take notice or not, but I wanted to offer what I feel is most important thing to do over this next few weeks. Understanding GNM, you already have a head start towards not fearing these times 😉 :

      1. Buy a few extra non-perishable foods and essential toiletries, don’t go mad with it, just a few extras to keep in the back of the cupboard
      2. Have a way of contacting loved ones in the case the internet or phone networks have connection difficulties or downtime
      3. Do not listen to the mainstream media, they are forcing a last ditch attempt to push their narrative based on fear to bring you down and control you – this is mainly regarding Brexit, the US presidency and the CV issue
      4. Understand that anything that happens is manipulated and for a reason, and will be temporary
      5. Keep your spirits up and take each day as it comes. Laugh each day, and give thanks for everything you have including your freedom (as it will return!)
      6. Understand that this is all a process that is needed to facilitate our own evolution and that of our planet. Trust that there is something much bigger going on than we can ever imagine, and it will all work out for the benefit of all of humanity
      7. Have faith and love like you have never done before, and base all your decisions on love and not fear.

November 2020

Well, the world has lost its mind!! But I really and truly believe this is the chaos from which order will ensue. Not an order in a New World sort of way (see what I did there?), but order as in clarity.

I see this chaos as the start of a revolution and mass awakening of humanity. It had to be this way. Many people have been so asleep that they needed things that were important to them, that made their life interesting and fun, taken away from them to shake them from their slumber. And these actions are needing to become increasingly nonsensical, contradictory and blatantly obvious, that soon anyone with half a brain cell will be able to see that something isn’t right and wake up.

Yes there are masks everywhere, and to those who are awake it can seem quite hopeless, but how many of these mask-wearers are just too afraid of confrontation, or standing out from the crowd? The majority of people I speak to hate them and do not believe in them, but wear them anyway. I walk around unmasked and have seen people look over and feel encouraged to remove their mask too. There is a silent majority of increased awake-ness and I find it very encouraging, and very exciting to be alive at this time to experience this great awakening of humanity!

October 2020

Understanding GNM certainly helps remove the fear of any contagion, though we are left with many troubling questions about the motives behind all this. It has become obvious to many that this has become more about control than any concern over health. Do the decision makers understand GNM, and if so this certainly changes any idea that our well-being was ever being considered in a positive way!

We are acting upon this by peaceful and lawful non-compliance. Our business remains open though as I already push boundaries with my therapy work, I have decided to focus upon sharing the empowering info of GNM in place of seeing clients in-person during the Wales shutdown (I refuse to call it ‘lockdown’ as that is what happens in a prison!)


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