CBD needs no introduction. You will find many amazing articles about what it is, how it works, testimonials, etc on the internet, so I won’t go into those details here.

CBD, THC and the Biological Laws

CBD is extremely supportive to healing and is known as a vagotonic agent (meaning it promotes the vagatonia state required for healing to take place). Its relaxing and calming properties can have a profound impact on the body and mind, and there are many numerous claims that are made that you can find with a simple internet search. It appears to be able to offer pain and inflammation relief without interfering with healing, and works to reduce anxiety and sleep problems due to its vagatonic properties.

THC, on the other hand, is a sympathicotonic agent, that is it’s highly stimulating and can interrupt healing (which is why tumours or symptoms tend to lessen when THC oil is used). When the Biological Laws are considered, the highly stimulating effect of the THC taken out of balance with CBD, is effectively taking the person out of healing and back into the conflict active phase. As you may be aware, the active phase usually has very little noticeable symptoms and this is why symptoms tend to lessen (as the THC is stopping the healing). In biological programs controlled by the new brain, this causes the replenishing cell growth/tumours to shrink as there is cell loss in the active phase. In biological programs controlled with the old brain, where there is cell growth in the active phase, it will cause tumours to multiply and proliferate much more quickly. This has been interpreted by those not aware of GNM and the Compass as happening with “some hormone-driven tumours” when pure THC is consumed.

Due to this highly stimulating effect, I always recommend that if you wish to take a THC oil, that it is correctly balanced with a good ratio of CBD (an ideal ratio of between 3:1 – 5:1 CBD to THC) to offset the stimulating effect. Even though I am unable to supply high THC oil, I wanted to mention it here as it seems relevant to do so! While many find benefit from having a combination of CBD & THC, there are still many benefits to having CBD alone.

This article is focused on sourcing CBD, and being aware of the information below can ensure that you obtain a product with optimum properties.

CBD products were removed from sale through my shop when our card facilities were removed due to us selling CBD, and we were unable to find other card payment facilities that accepted the sale of CBD products. As our CBD (particularly the Holistic Valley paste) was helping so many, I have decided to offer the CBD paste and other CBD products (which varies deoending on what I have at the time) directly when paid by bank transfer (or cash in person).

Through my thorough research in adding CBD products to my shop’s range, I’m very confident of the quality and source of the brands of CBD that I recommend, including my shop’s own Holistic Valley brand.

Here are some tips I have put together on sourcing quality and legal CBD products:

  • The extract needs to be from  Hemp CBD not Cannabis CBD. The reason is because Cannabis strains have higher THC content and so need further processing and extraction to reduce the THC in the extract/oil to the legal level, thus de-naturing the product further.
  • The strain that is believed to be best is Cannabis Sativa L. Other strains of industrial hemp should be avoided as they have very little CBD content and the more plants that are used, the increased likelihood of contamination, as the hemp plants absorb pollutants from the soil (which is why they are good at decontaminating land).
  • If the CBD extract is diluted into the ‘mother’ hemp seed oil rather than another oil, it is believed to have better effect and bioavailability. However, it can be purposefully diluted in another oil/substrate for a purpose (eg. lighter oils used in a spray where hemp seed oil is too viscous).
  • Extraction processes should be safe and not use petrochemicals or other harsh chemicals which leave behind toxic residue in the extract. CO2 extraction is deemed the most favourable, and some quote ‘super critical’.
  • Organically grown plants should be used. It is important when creating an extract to have plants without toxic contaminants. The extract is highly concentrated and so will be any added toxins that come along for the ride!

Did you Know?

Hemp and Cannabis are actually the same plant, hemp being given to a cannabis plant with very low THC which can be caused either through pollination or by crossbreeding different strains to obtain different cannabinoid levels. When the Cannabis plant is pollinated, it literally changes and becomes Hemp and the THC content drastically reduces (this is commonly called ‘turning male’ by growers).

Comparing with other brands

This article was initially prompted by the popular question of how our CBD oil compared with that from Holland and Barratt and other brands. I can not find any definitive answers about the source and manufacturing of the H&B oil, which certainly raises suspicion. In this age of information comes misinformation and disinformation from those willing to make money from misunderstandings. I also feel that mass produced products in the mainstream, in general, are of poorer quality and are generally less effective than those made in smaller batches by independent suppliers. This is confirmed with muscle testing on many clients and ourselves. I also feel that mass production harms the spiritual aspects of Hemp/Cannabis.

BEWARE – something to be aware of when you shop around, is that many sellers and manufacturers quote a percentage of Hemp Extract, but this is often the WHOLE hemp extract and NOT the CBD content. This is commonly found on market sites such as Amazon who forbid the use of the term CBD, and have therefore left the information open to abuse and misunderstanding. So if a product says 50% hemp extract, only a small percentage of this may actually be CBD. It also devalues products that contain the genuine percentage of CBD, making them look very overpriced. My advice is to contact the manufacturer to ask for the data sheet that shows the actual CBD content. Please be aware that the percentage I advertise on all the CBD products is the actual percentage of CBD in the paste or oil.

Please always do your own research thoroughly on any product whether buying from others or from myself so you can make informed decisions for yourselves.

The Legalities

CBD is legal in the UK. THC is illegal, though an upper legal limit of 0.2% is allowed. When my shop sold CBD, we had to provide Trading Standards with a laboratory certificate proving the THC content as will other sellers. A ratio of CBD and THC is the most effective at assisting the body with major disease (in differing ratios for different conditions), unfortunately at this time it is illegal to sell oils with a substantial THC content. That doesn’t take away from CBD’s other well known properties confirmed by scientific studies, and available to you on a simple internet search. (some trusted sources are www.greenmedinfo.com www.cbdproject.org)

THC or no?

The Holistic Valley CBD Extract contains the ratios of CBD to THC as naturally found in the variety of the plant. To obtain no THC, further processing is required. So basically, the option with minimal THC is less processed than the option of having the THC further extracted, which some find preferable. Less processing also ensures that other cannabinoids are present such as CBG, CBA, etc. However, some people do not want any THC whether this is for religious beliefs, they may be in a profession that requires drug-testing, or may just prefer not to have any! When I have energy tested the products I offer with kinesiology, they have all tested strongly or I would not sell them.

Through feedback from customers and clients, and personal use, I have found that smaller/fewer doses may be needed with the CBD extract containing THC compared to the CBD oils without THC. I believe this could be due to the cannabinoids and other phytochemicals acting in synergy and natural balance as further extraction or processing has not taken place.

How much to take

There are no official dosages or daily limits set for CBD, though it is generally recommended that an upper limit of 80mg is not exceeded. This can allow manufacturers to recommend higher dosages at their will and can lead to unnecessary expense for you and greater sales for them! It is generally regarded that a daily dose of 25-30mg is sufficient for most cases, and has been the case for us with personal use for most general complaints. This can be divided into equal daily dosages if required (we recommend up to 4 times per day), and taking regularly like this appears to be more beneficial. The stronger percentage of 50% as found in the syringes of Holistic Valley CBD Paste are ideal for those seeking stronger effects in small doses.

For children and animals, adjust the daily upper limit down by around half, depending on weight, and adjust dosages accordingly.


Holistic Valley CBD is from hemp with a permissible limit of THC and is supplied in syringes as a paste. I often also have oils with Zero THC from various good sources, usually at 10% strength, and 99% CBD Isolate Powder. I can let you know current stock when you contact me. All the CBD products I offer are CO2 extracted from organically grown Cannabis Sativa L strain.

Ordering & Prices

1g Holistic Valley 50% CBD Extract (paste supplied in a syringe) £25

1g 99.99% pure CBD Isolate Powder £20

Various brands CBD Oils 1,000mg in Hemp 10-30ml £30-£40 (dependant on stock)

Please ask for a quote in case P&P needs to be added.

If you wish to enquire current stock or place an order, please contact my shop on [029) 2085 2222 or email me at info@daniellebryant.co.uk. Bank details will be given at time of order.

Much love x

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