Updated 16th March 2024 with new information that has clarified things further!

When I mention parasites or discover they are an issue for clients, I’m often met with a squirm, cringe or look of disgust. But parasites are perfectly normal and extremely common! I’d say over half of my clients have a parasitic imbalance when they first come to see me. I get them regularly too, likely due to feeding my dogs raw and allowing them to sleep in my bed (and I wouldn’t have it any other way!).

Parasites, like microbes, can be beneficial to us and many live on and in us in perfect harmony, even serving a purpose. I love that we have such a symbiotic relationship with nature!

We can get parasites, usually by picking up their eggs (as live parasites would likely perish in our stomach acid) from anywhere: animals, food, garden, people, etc. There’s nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of. Some can be troublesome and in mine and my clients’ experiences, some can really cause havoc to our bodies. But, let’s have a discussion on how this fits in with the Biological Laws.

I will add that this article is based upon experience and is a discussion article, which is written from my current level of understanding. I will always amend or update all my articles if/when I come across any new information!

What others say

There are differing views on parasites such as internal worms, and even insects like fleas, lice, ticks, etc. in the GNM/GHK Community.

Some people are of the opinion that there are parasites (many, but not all) that can act like a poison to the body; that is, they act outside of the Biological Laws as an external interference on the body, and on the surface, this appears to be what I find a lot with kinesiology clients and myself, as I mentioned above.

There are some in GNM/GHK who say parasites are part of the 4th biological law (The Beneficial Role of Microbes), and it is also claimed we attract things we need in order to allow us to experience and heal from conflicts (some even believe we attract accidents that allow the experience of self devaluation conflicts!). However, I do feel that some people try to shoehorn everything into the Biological Laws, and can dismiss too easily other influences that may be affecting us.

Interpretation of Definition

So looking at the definition of microbes: these are microscopic organisms, often only consisting of a single cell, such as fungi and bacteria. They are not understood to have a consciousness or brain.

On the other hand, parasites are an individual organism that live purely on a host, by definition, often to the detriment of the host. They are not necessarily microscopic – in fact some can be 4ft long. Lloyd and I often joke that politicians can be 6ft 😂

Dr Hamer’s 4th Biological Law stated ‘The Ontogenetic System of Microbes’, in which he specifically gives the examples of fungi, fungal bacteria (mycobacteria) and bacteria.

Helmut Pilhar was an official lecture appointed by Dr Hamer. In Helmut’s lecture on the 4th Biological Law, he states “this is the perfect place to fit in the topic of parasites” – to me, this is clear that it is not officially a part of the 4th Biological Law, just a suitable place to mention it.

Symbiotic Relationship

Insects such as mosquitoes, head lice, fleas, ticks are not parasites, however Helmut believes that they can carry beneficial microbes or parasites that we may need for healing. In a conventional sense, it is said we have ‘sweet blood’ if we get bitten by insects, so it is accepted that the insects are attracted to certain people that exude a particular smell/hormone/or whatever – I will call this ‘sweet blood’ for simplicity. The ‘sweet blood’ that attracts them is actually our body in a biological program where the blood is altered such as in leukaemia – healing of self devaluation, or maybe there is some microbial smell that attract them, and not blood at all. However, if a mosquito or flea is hungry, it may still bite if we are not in a biological program, but it obviously prefers the ‘sweet blood’. Therefore, I’d suggest that someone who gets lots of bites likely has some sort of biological program going on.

We actually can see this attraction when leaving food such as raw meat or fruit in the kitchen, only to find it next day covered with maggots or fruit fly.

In the case of malaria, this is an exotic paradise (i.e. not native to us and we are therefore unaccustomed to it). The mosquito that carries the parasite would be attracted to the ‘sweet blood’ of the healing phase of a self devaluation conflict that causes leukaemia temporarily during bone healing. Therefore, anyone visiting a country where malaria is native with a self devaluation conflict in healing would then be more prone to attract the malaria-giving mosquitoes to bite them!

With parasites (i.e. internal worms, etc.): we eat and pick up many parasite eggs everyday. If our internal environment is normal (no biological program running) then it will not be attractive or suitable for them to thrive so they will mostly pass through, maybe some will stay but not thrive and soon die off. With a biological program in the GI tract, there is a lot of decomposing and broken down tissue by the TB/fungi – it is a perfect environment for them to thrive. In doing so, they assist in clearing the waste, but this would be done without them by the microbes, it may just take a bit longer. Their presence will worsen symptoms as they are accelerating the cell removal/repair.

Bear in mind they are not in the control of the brain but under their own control, and they are part of Nature, as we are, and therefore they are built for survival. So, I’d suggest it makes sense that there is potential for them to thrive and proliferate above what is required, and this could potentially cause us stress and other problems that reduce vagatonia. Additionally, due to them being out of the psyche/brain/organ, we have to rely on them to either die off or leave of their own accord due to an unfavourable environment, which would occur once healing of the biological program completes. Therefore, in a long-standing case of parasites, it is important to address the hanging healing of the chronic condition.

However, I find with clients that parasites appear to worsen symptoms not only in the GI program, but of healings outside of the GI tract as I mentioned above. So, I think it is possible that the stress or impact of the parasites appear to affect biological programs in other parts of the body, e.g. possibly causing hanging healing due to the stress/reduced vagatonia.

Therefore, if someone has parasites, it could be possible that they also have a biological program in healing and if this is long-standing, it needs to be addressed. Whether a poor diet causing decomposing food in the gut can also provide the parasites with an ideal environment to thrive is something also that needs research with someone who is aware of the biological laws, and I would not be willing to dismiss this possibility until it was unproven. In this case, the parasites would still be offering us assistance by removing the decomposing food!

All this, to me, explains a beneficial symbiotic relationship as found throughout nature, rather than an essential part of healing that is part of the 4th law, as has been claimed by some.

Reflecting on Experience

One thing I have noticed. I used to be ‘eaten alive’ by mosquitoes and midges. This stopped when I embarked upon a sugar-free diet. It began again when I started eating carbs and sugar again. So in my experience, there is something to the saying that they are attracted to sweet blood. But considering the Biological Laws, I had previously altered my diet for a reason, and that is because I was having gut issues and then the breast gland program, so I did have at least two biological programs running.

As far as external parasites are concerned, many years ago before homeschooling, one of my children used to come home from school every day with head lice, one day there were over 70 pulled out. It turned out their best friend had them whose mother refused to do anything about it. All the class were having problems and our family all had them too – until we finally got on top of it and the mother finally listened and treated their child (HINT: coat the hair with real mayonnaise, cover with cling film and leave overnight, then rinse and finish with a vinegar rinse. Our child may have smelt like a pickled onion, but she had no headlice!). What happened here? My analysis would be that the child with headlice had a continued separation conflict, possibly from the mother (there were actually questions about neglect). The headlice naturally spread across the class when the children’s heads were together. So the intial source was a biological program. It is possible our daughter also had a separation conflict at the time, maybe she wanted to separate from the lice, because it really upset her having them reoved from her hair?

On the other hand, we once had a flea problem where we had to throw out a rug and some furniture. It turned out that the fleas were coming from the garden, being brought into the house by hopping onto our pets. We were all bitten, and people who came to our house were also bitten. To me, the only way this could be conflict related is if everyone, even those not living with us, was experiencing the same conflict, which seems unlikely as we had a variety of visitors. I also know of someone who bought a house that had been empty for some time and there was a rug in there that was infested with fleas. So I don’t think it is a cut-and-dried case of infestations always being linked to a biological program.

About 10-12 years ago, I received a tick bite when visiting woodland. I didn’t know until the following day when I found the large tick buried in my skin. I panicked and finally removed it, though it had to be pulled apart as it was so deeply embedded. According to the Biological Laws, Lyme disease is actually a separation conflict, wanting to separate from the tick, with the circular rash being the Hamer Focus visible at organ level. Whereas I can resonate with wanting this separation in a panic at the time, this was not really the case of how it appeared to play out for me. I had no rash and completely forgot about it until about a year or two later (I can’t accurately remember the timing) when my kinesiologist picked up that I had Lyme disease! I couldn’t even think how I got this but then a few days later I suddenly remembered the tick bite. I was suffering ‘fibromyalgia’ at the time. A parasite imbalance had been cleared (using the Hulda Clarke herbal protocol), bringing me back to almost full health and the Lyme was preventing that final part of my healing, which was easily remedied with diatomaceous earth. This suggests, to me, that there was some sort of parasite involved.

As much as I’ve tried making the laws apply to all these last experiences, I fail to see how these instances are solely due to conflict shocks. However, I can see how these interferences could be hindering any healing that may have been experienced at the time, such as the generalised self devaluation conflict I was healing from with the fibromyalgia (triggered after I finished writing my book, which obviously had resolved my feelings that I wasn’t good enough).

Did Dr Hamer speak of Parasites?

I’ve never seen any evidence that Dr Hamer himself spoke of parasites being part of the 4th biological law, only in others’ interpretations of the translations of his work. As mentioned, and as far as I’m aware he only spoke of microbes being bacteria and fungi (but I’m open to being corrected).

Dr Hamer stated that all microbes had to be present at the moment of DHS in old brain programs, and then they proliferate according to the conflict load and under complete control of the brain. He also states that any microbes introduced after a DHS would not be able to be used during a current biological program in old brain programs. Therefore, any microbes introduced by insects would only be relevant in new brain programs. Though, we need to bear in mind that the bacteria in new brain programs need to be present at the moment of resolution where they are activated to proliferate and perform their task. So I have found it unclear as to whether bacteria introduced by insects would be used in that particular healing, or just ready for the next time. While I can understand that parasites can assist with healing in their symbiotic way as already discussed, I am not so sure whether this also relates to insects giving us microbes, too. Maybe this is a case of microbes and parasites being bundled together instead of understood differently.

Finding Balance

Based on all my personal and professional experiences of working with clients using kinesiology with the foundation of the Biological Laws, I believe other things are at play as well as GNM/GHK, including energetic imbalances. Saying that, the Biological Laws always come first, and interferences second. But I certainly don’t believe these interferences should be dismissed, particularly in light of the technology being used nowadays, and the way so much of humanity exists in an anti-nature existence, which can cause chaos in the natural order of things on many levels (maybe even an unnatural proliferation of certain parasitic beings?).

Kinesiology has taught me that sometimes it is beneficial to intervene, even if this is not working strictly in alignment with the laws. For example, an anti inflammatory agent, usually against the Laws due to swelling being a part of healing, could provide enough relief for restful sleep with reduced pain, which in balance is far more beneficial to the entire process, even if healing is slowed down. And I would say, the same with parasites, too, whether they are a part of healing or not. Parasites can play havoc on the system and stress the body, and as stated, if they are assisting the removal of decomposing tissue, they worsen symptoms considerably, and any stress can interfere with healing. So if they become troublesome, I believe it is far better to treat the body gently with an anti-parasite remedy to reduce this stress so the healing can resolve, and this is what I find happens in practice.

My Approach

Personally, as a kinesiologist,  I would use simple muscle testing to determine if the parasites require a treatment, as it takes away the second guesswork and allows the body to tell us what’s needed. After all, it knows! I use a vial for testing, choosing a suitable remedy that corrects the weakness, creating a strong muscle test. Without a vial, you can make a specific statement such as “I am experiencing a parasite imbalance that is having a detrimental effect on my health” or “the symptom I’m experiencing is due to parasite imbalance” and by muscle testing on the statement you will receive a strong test indicating that its a true statement, or weak for false. Then make the statement “this remedy will address the parasite imbalance and have a beneficial effect on my health” or if you have the remedy at hand, you can muscle test with it to see if it is beneficial for you (as explained in the Muscle Testing Video).

NOTE: I tend to use statements rather than questions now, as this gives more accurate testing.

For any parasites I always (so far) find Diatomaceous Earth not only highly effective, but inexpensive and quick acting without interfering with healing.


As far as what some others have claimed, as parasites (worms) are their own little beings just like ticks, fleas, those found in some foods, etc, I cannot personally see how these are ONLY attracted to us because we are experiencing a conflict that some claim, and as mentioned above, Dr Hamer only mentioned bacteria and fungi as microbes in the 4th Biological Law. So it appears to be only the interpretation of others that categorise parasites to be included in the 4th Biological Law.

For these reasons I don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater when it comes to parasites by bundling it all in with GNM/GHK, as I feel there are far too many discrepancies and unanswered questions, and my logical and questioning nature does not allow me to accept anyone’s word blindly. I always use something like muscle testing (or even dowsing) to see if DE is beneficial will tell you exactly what the body needs. In my working experience, it can actually change people’s lives for the better to address a parasite imbalance, with lasting, ongoing results. As parasites are not actually required for healing, removing them allows a more comfortable and less stressful healing phase without affecting the biological program.

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