This is something I recently experienced. I share it as sometimes the simplest of cases can just demonstrate the beauty of the biological laws in a way that is so profound it will assist in the paradigm shift needed to fully accept this new perspective, and then go on to help remove the fear when faced with more serious issues!

I woke one morning with this burning, painful rash mostly on my left arm just above my wrist, but also on my right arm in the same place.

I had several flare-ups that were worse in the morning. It was always worse on my left arm but the strange thing that was very specific is that it stopped abruptly in a straight, diagonal line (you may be able to see this in the bottom left of the photo).

I tried changing my laundry liquid, adjusting the amount of mag flakes in baths and spraying with silver to cool it. But nothing really helped that much.

It kept reminding me of a hand on my arm, and with hindsight, looking more closely at the rash, it does appear to have 4 darker stripes like fingers. So, I began trying to think of past instances where someone had held my arms in that area. Apaprt from the odd childhood sibling fight with my younger brother, which hardly were aggressive or stressful enough to have caused any conflict as they were only playing, I could not think of anything, but I knew the mental connection I had with hands should not be ignored.

Failing miserably to identify any conflict, I asked Lloyd to muscle test me so I could determine the right track (excuse the pun!), and it would point me in the right direction.

As an aside, I believe the mental work involved in identifying and finding conflicts and tracks is an invaluable part of the healing and resolution process. I could use muscle testing from the outset to ask what the conflict is and involves, but it is a shortcut, and I believe we learn so much more by not taking shortcuts!

Anyway, back to the rash……

Lloyd sat beside me and as I raised my left arm (which is my preferred testing arm) for him to test me, and he put his hand over my arm covering exactly the area of the rash. I realised at that moment like penny dropped and I got quite tearful – and these are 2 clear signs that I realised the original conflict. I had been feeling separate from Lloyd as he’s been so busy working very late most evenings so I have been going up to bed separate to him.

And why is it worse in the mornings? This conflict resolved each morning when I woke up and he was there!

After realising this, the rash cleared up within a day!

Ongoing, during this busy period when Lloyd has to work very late to connect with others in different countries, I began reassuring myself that Lloyd was not separate when I went to bed alone, and that it was a conscious decision that we went to bed separately. I also began crocheting and reading so gave myself a distraction at bedtime to focus on.

I still have the tingle burn now and then, and it now serves as a reminder of how I subconsciously feel separated, so I am consciously making an effort to feel more connected while he is working, for example by making him a cuppa now and then, and asking him about his work. And knowing I feel like this, he also makes an effort to break off his work now and then and acknowledge me in some little way.

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