The GNM/GHK Experiences are shared by clients, members of the GNM/GHK Community groups Irun on social media, viewers of mine & Lloyd’s Richplanet interview and emails sent to me by viewers of my videos, or readers of my book and website.

If you would like to share a GNM/GHK Experience for possible inclusion on my website, please get in touch! Experiences can really help others to see how the Biological Laws can play out in real life, particularly how the conflicts and symptoms were discovered and supported during the process.


The following experience was shared in a GNM/GHK group:

I’m currently finding that applying GNM retrospectively to your life is very interesting.

A few years ago I found a hard lump under my left nipple, (I’m a RH female) – which came seemingly completely out of the blue. Being terrified it was “cancer”, and not having heard about GNM at that time, like many others – I went straight to the hospital, where “fortunately“ they diagnosed it only as a cyst.

At that similar time just before I had also had the most crushing earache I’ve ever had in my life, it was so excruciating I almost wanted to do a Van gogh and chop my ear off lol, it manifested in my right ear actually. It eventually resolved with a huge lump of wax falling out by itself a couple of weeks later.

Now, applying what I have learnt about GNM since that time I now look back on what had happened just previous to those two seemingly isolated health “ailments“ – and I can now see with perfect precision exactly what set them off.

Just three months before, my nearest and dearest family member who I adored was suddenly diagnosed as being critically ill and was rushed to hospital. I can still remember hearing the news, and the shock and isolation and devastation at the moment. He had some hospital treatment at that time, but then eventually came home and focused on his own wellness, and after one or two months at home it appeared he had started to make a full recovery.

So, I would have been conflict active for just over three months, (and was watching him like a hawk that whole time!) But then when I started to allow myself to feel relief, and allow myself to trust that he would be okay actually, that is when the lump appeared.

I see the crushing earache as the indigestible morsel upon hearing the news/diagnosis, which only subsided immediately when we got home (of course which is when it really flared up and stayed hurting, once it was in healing).

Of course there are many other ailments I’ve experienced I can also track back to conflict shocks, but I wanted to share this one as for me it still brings me so much relief that nothing happens by accident whatsoever.



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