Everything has its politics. The more you go into subjects, the more this is apparent. It is especially difficult when the original source of the research or information is no longer with us.

Dr Hamer’s work is no different.

There are 2 main areas of controversy surrounding Dr Hamer’s work: Plagiarism and the mainstream Antisemitism accusation, so I will address both.


Was Dr Hamer antisemitic?

If you look at the first page of an Internet search, and most mainstream websites such as Wikipedia, you will see that Dr Hamer is called antisemitic. This is absolutely NOT the case, and is simply ad hominem attacks used by those who control mainstream narrative to discredit Dr Hamer’s work and turn people away from it. After all, there is so much at stake: entire industries, trillions of $$$, reputations and even  mainstream biological science itself and everything that has been based upon it.

Time and time again during our research into politics, health, history, etc we see many tactics used to suppress the truth such as scare-mongering, personal attacks, strawman fallacies, even causing anything that cannot be questioned as being ‘taboo’ as it causes great offence to people. We have learnt over the years to disregard anything fallacious and looking beyond these labels is often where the truth is found.

So to address the antisemitic label.

The reason Dr Hamer was labeled antisemitic is because he called out a Rabbi doctor practising in Israel for using GNM knowledge on Jewish patients while treating his non-Jewish patients conventionally with chemo, etc. He said that GNM was for all humanity and should not be exclusive and it made him very sad and angry that this was happening.

So those who wanted to suppress his work twisted this and used it as a way to discredit him and turn people away from learning it. This is a great example that shows how people need to be able to look past fallacies, politics, labels and attacks. Sadly, many appear to be heading in the opposite direction, allowing these issues to heavily influence them through emotional triggers and avoiding them from ever hearing the truth.

Here are links to an interview with Dr Hamer regarding this:

Plagiarism & Name Discrepancy

If you have researched into the Biological Laws, you may have noticed a few practitioners and teachers each with their own following, some intent on putting others down and some claiming to be the only one officially endorsed by Dr Hamer, or that they are more qualified than others. Some put the information behind a money wall, taking offence at those offering the information freely, and some are just exploiting Dr Hamer’s work.

Some of these people are genuinely trying to preserve Dr Hamer’s work to make sure is kept pure and not taken out of context in its teachings, and even though this can be restrictive for those wanting to share this information, it is very important to have a pure source of information. It is also important that when you delve deeper into the Biological Laws, you select your source carefully as there are many professing to be teachers of GNM or GHK and assuming authority of it.

Lloyd and I are not an authority of Dr Hamer’s work, we are not teachers (as there is no official course, despite what anyone claims), we merely share the fundamental truth of the biological laws and Germanic living to enlighten others’ lives and encourage further study. We want to separate from the politics surrounding Dr Hamer’s discoveries as we believe this can put people off learning about the Laws and it dilutes the extremely important messages they give us. We have learnt from various teachers, and verified the information we share with Dr Hamer’s own original thesis and works as much as we can, where his own translations are available.

What’s the official name?

You will notice there are different names used for Dr Hamer’s Biological Laws. Dr Hamer decided upon the name German New Medicine for the English translations of his work, and this was duly copyrighted by him and Dr Caroline Markolin in 2004, though he prefered the name Germanic due to the links to the beliefs and life of the Germanic culture. The name Germanische Heilkunde was copyrighted for Dr Hamer’s work in the German language, though some say that Dr Hamer later chose this name to distance himself from the controversy, in his own words, he stated that the name was chosen as the work was not ‘new’ anymore so it didn’t seem to fit. Germanische Heilkunde was chosen specifically due to not having a direct English translation, as the English work already has a copyrighted name, howver it can be loosely translated as “Germanic Well-versed Proclaimation of Healing”. However, the acronym of GHK has since been given an English meaning of Germanic Healing Knowledge by some, which would go against Dr Hamer’s intention for choosing the name. The Spanish refer to Dr Hamer’s work as La Medicina Sacrada, meaning Sacred Medicine (this was while he was still alive and with his blessing),  hence the name of our presentation and our show with Richard D Hall.

Lloyd and I want to honour Dr Hamer’s actual discoveries, so as the Laws are, in essence, a fundamental truth, we like to refer to them as simply ‘the Biological Laws’, and we often call it GNM or sometimes ‘the Germanic way’ as that is how we first learnt it.

Although we completely understand the reasons for wanting to protect Dr Hamer’s legacy and work, the copyright issues have an ongoing effect of preventing it from being freely shared, and permission to use images often comes with restrictions of sharing useful modalities and techniques we use ourselves in alignment with the Laws. I have therefore created some of my own images to use for presentations, to give us the freedom to practice and share the information as we feel is most beneficial to all. (Any copyrighted images in videos and presentations we have used has been endorsed by their owners).

Lloyd and I stay true to, and honour, Dr Hamer and his work when sharing his discoveries as we have been taught them. We have learnt from Dr Caroline Markolin and John Holledauer, along with further research and study of Dr Hamer’s resources that are available in English, including lectures by Helmut Pilhar and others. We have confirmed the information through Dr Hamer’s own translations of his original thesis after having acquired this out of print publication (we used the proceeds of an event we ran to purchase it!!) I want to stress that we are not authority or expert on this, and simply want to share the information in just enough detail that people need to enable them to take notice, while not going out of our depth into the deeper science. And we want to encourage everyone to obtain further information from experienced and trusted sources if they wish to find out more than we offer.

I am always clear when I share information that is mine and/or Lloyd’s opinion rather than the laws themselves, and like to share how we work with and live by the knowledge. We feel it is important to make a clear definition of what is Dr Hamer’s original work and what is our own guidance on living and working with it. In sharing this information in this way, we are not trying to mold the laws into anything, plagiarise the work or change them in any way. The Laws are the solid, fundamental truth that we build everything else upon.

We don’t necessarily want to endorse one source over another, as it is not our position to do so. We refer to Dr Hamer’s work as GNM because that is how we first came across it and learnt it and it therefore comes naturally. It is the term used by Caroline Markolin in her excellent website learninggnm.com, which is an extremely valuable go-to resource for myself and for practitioners worldwide, and so far is the most extensive free resource for Dr Hamer’s work.

Use of the term Healing

I recently came across someone who was condemning the use of the term Healing Phase. I use this term extensively as it feels natural to do so, it is more easily understood and accepted by the wider audience. To me, healing means restoration and recovery which fits with what happens in PCL Phase.

I looked up the actual definition and it is stated as ‘the restoration of structure and function of tissues’, as well as other definitions implying disease. There is a thought that healing implies that something was wrong in the first place and this needs healing, and this is incorrect as everything in nature is meaningful. However, when we understand the laws, we know exactly that what is meant by the term healing is restoration and recovery, and I don’t think it is necessary to be pedantic about what can be construed from erroneous definitions and interpretation.

Translation Differences and Discrepancies

We need to remember that the majority of Dr Hamer’s work has been translated from German, so this lends to different translations by different people, and some words may not have a direct translation that encapsulates the original intention of the word. Therefore some translated terms are open to opinion and interpretation. I also wonder if this may be yet another little political dig between the various ‘camps’ of those who teach GNM/GHK, another opportunity to call each other wrong. We need to rise above this as I really feel it dilutes the message as I mentioned. AS much as possible, we have verified the information we share from Dr Hamer’s own words and pass on the wider philosophical picture of the concepts of Germanic living, which we since discovered reflects the natural life we are personally aiming for with our Micronation (www.Glamorgannwg.org)

I say you need to use whatever phrases or terms you personally resonate most with, and use the information that reflects most with your own personal experiences, as this is an individual and personal journey to your own self-empowerment.

At the end of the day, when all is said and done, the Biological Laws of Nature are one of the most important discoveries in our lives, whatever you decide to call it, whatever terms you decide to use and wherever you decide to learn from!

Further Resources

You can see Caroline Markolin’s free lectures HERE

Dr Hamer’s website with much of his original words and quotes is HERE

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