CLIENT INFO: Male, 40s, RH

SYMPTOMS: inflammation in rectum, blood and mucous in stool

CONFLICT: territorial anger conflict affecting rectal musosa


My client had an episode of symptoms in September/October 2020, which was diagnosed as proctitis after various tests. He had learnt about the biological laws during this time and this helped him to realise the symptoms were nothing to fear, and he recovered quite quickly after this.

Symptoms returned September 2021 and this caused my client anxiety as he was concerned something else was going on. This is when he contacted me.

We had an online consultation with Lloyd and myself, and we worked through a timeline of events and symptoms from early 2020. There were various traumas and stresses throughout the year which appeared to ease slightly around August. This included 2 car crashes that were not his fault, serious problems in his job regarding a colleague and his position, the pandemic and lockdown on top of this, plus other events. Any one of these could be a territorial anger. There were a few resolutions before symptoms arose. 2021 saw different stresses and events, none of them had anything in common with 2020, yet the symptoms were the same, though less intense.

Looking from a different perspective:

As there were so many events muddying the waters, we decided to look at this from a different perspective. We took a step back and looked at the bigger picture. Any or all of these events could have been the DHS, but now symptoms are present, it is healing and all that needs to be done is support that healing and try not to be fearful of it.

We also took the approach of assessing it from the biological perspective. What was the body trying to achieve?

The rectal mucosa biological program is in the ectoderm germ layer and is controlled in the temporal lobe area of the cerebral cortex (new brain). This means there is cell loss with the purpose of widening a duct or vessel in the conflict active phase.

What is the function of the rectum? To remove faecal waste.

During the session, my client had referred to these events and situations as being ‘shit’. Had he triggered a biological program that helped him get rid of the ‘shit’ that was occuring and causing him so much stress and anxiety?

This is when we all had what I call that lightbulb moment, when you realise what the original conflict was/is. My client realised that in his view everything had been shit and he remembered saying time and time again that this was the shitiest year. 2021 was proving to be another shitty year, the vaccine situation was shit, everything going on was shit, so the body had triggered that program again to effectively remove the shit before he got even more stress and anxiety.

And this is why it was so confusing. We can all get stuck in the detail of each event that happens, digging further deeper to find the DHS moment. But like I always say, stepping back and looking at the bigger picture is so very often what is needed, not just in GNM but in all aspects of life. Remember the saying ‘the devil is in the detail’!


We did a quick kinesiology check to see if there was anything else now holding back or hindering healing, or if there was anything else we could do to support healing. An emotion came up which was released with kinesiology techniques, but nothing else was needed. So my advice moving forward was to stop saying and thinking everything is shit. Look at things from a different perspective and allow the healing to complete.

I will update with results if I receive feedback from my client.





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