CLIENT INFO: Me! (female, 48yrs, RH)
SYMPTOMS: Very angry, painful and very itchy blistered rash under left breast in exact location of previous breast lump extending to about 10″ in diameter

CONFLICT: attack conflict affecting corium skin

Left-sided: Either mother/child related (in RH person) OR localised conflict


Start of April 2020:  An itchy red area that had been present for some time developed into a shingles type rash, covering the entire area exactly where the breast lump I had was, and appeared almost to look like a spreading effect. I had been having itchiness and redness in the area for about a year on and off (indicating a hanging healing). I had thought it was a separation conflict but couldn’t understand what it was concerning, however once it came out fully, I understood it was a corium skin program and therefore a type of attack conflict.

So here is the back story. August 2018 I received a thermography scan (after the breast lump had gone) which showed the highest risk of activity (rated a 5). Not knowing GNM, it was very scary, especially as I had expected a low risk due to the lump going (activity was relayed as something going on, likely cancer. GNM says it was high activity as I was in the last phase of healing). I know I had a DHS due to how I experienced it – feeling of isolation, dream-like shock state, extreme panic, etc) however I never experienced any symptoms that I was aware of showing this had been resolved. I had thought that maybe as I had been taking homeopathy, and at the time I had cannabis oil, that this all may have disguised a resolution and symptoms.

Anyway, now knowing that this was an attack conflict, I remembered how I was thinking at the time of the DHS, and this was “OMG cancer is attacking me from inside and spreading”. The resolution came around the time of first learning GNM which triggered a healing, though as I was in the process of going through the massive paradigm shift required for fully accepting GNM for a while, it was likely that it created a hanging healing that kept resolving (giving me the rash) and then any anxiety or negative thoughts from the old perspective creeping back would put me back into conflict active again (and the rash would go – as there are no symptoms in conflict active phase).

Mid March I restarted a course of homeopathy and the day after starting the remedy the rash flared up to an eczema type rash (again making me think it was epidermal tissue not corium skin). Then 10 days later it turned into the typical shingles blistered and itchy, hurty, stingy rash and I then knew exactly what it was!

I think the combination of the remedy assisting and allowing the energetic healing, along with the distraction of all the coronavirus hype at this time, and the closure of my clinic, was what allowed it to come out fully.

I rested as much as possible, while reminding myself that I was healing and getting better every day, and allowed my body to do what it needed to. I had no baths in the first phase of healing to avoid washing away any microbial (fungal) activity involved in the healing, and only used calomine lotion or cool compress when it was too sore or itchy! Since it became less symptomatic and angry, I began bathing each day using Dead Sea Salts in the bath to soothe it and further promote healing.

Epileptoid Crisis:
On April 20th, I suddenly felt shivery, and had to go to bed straight away. Violent shivers lasted 2-3hours, then in and out of sleep, vivid dreams, nausea and high fever that lasted 5 days. On day 3 a bad headache began in the back of my head. Knowing GNM, I understood that this was the healing brain oedema in the cerebellum. I used hot water bottles with cold water in to lie on to reduce the swelling and this helped the pain. The headache lasted 2 days. I had began to drink juice and drink a little more water. I took Belladonna 30c twice to assist the fever.

After day 8 I was eating small amounts of soft food and starting to leave my bed. I had vertigo on standing and my thinking felt ‘numb’, I couldn’t think of words, and was very slow to understand and respond to people speaking to me. I knew this was the healing at brain level, so I was careful not to self-devalue and allow the healing to take place.

After another week or so, I began regaining strength but was still getting very tired very quickly. Without allowing this to cause me frustration or stress, I allowed myself to rest when I needed to. It wasn’t until the middle of May that I felt more or less back to normal.

The intensity and length of the healing in my case was due to the length of the conflict active phase. This was 5-6 months, which is a very long time to be conflict active! This is why it is very important to know when we have experienced a conflict as we can work to resolve it as quickly as possible, as this will shorten the healing phase and reduce the intensity of the healing symptoms.

Fungal activity:
Even though they are quite personal, I have included photos for educational purposes. They show the fungal activity I experienced and also the development of the rash throughout the healing process. I did not wipe the fungus away even though it was smelly and unpleasant, but I was careful not to feel ‘soiled’ by it or I could otherwise have caused an additional conflict!

Conventional method:
The conventional approach for shingles is anti-fungal treatment. However as fungus is required for healing, this can prevent the healing from completing. Further stress and frustration and the conventional ‘fighting’ approach also disrupts healing. When healing is not complete, it can cause a hanging healing, and would explain why often poeple will have repeated instances of shingles.

BY THE WAY: In my mid 20s I had quite a bad case of chicken pox, which is officially stated to be caused by the same ‘virus’ as shingles – so the fact I have now have shingles kind of disproves the conventional theory of creating immunity from having a disease!
Shingles is meant to be highly infectious and it is advised to use separate towels and wash clothes separate from family. Yet not one person in my household has ‘caught’ it. So that theory is also not apparent in this case!

Here is an approximate timeline of the program:


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