Continues from Part 1

I may go into a lot of detail regarding events around this time, but it is all relevant in understanding the conflict and delay in healing involved!

September 2016, we had a Trading Standards visit and then a very popular product that we sold on Amazon was pulled from sale with no explanation (we suspected that the Trading Standards officer did this) which caused us much financial loss, and we had to move from the farmhouse.

So 2017, I was fine, I was mainly distracted with planning my daughter’s wedding which was in July 2017. I had also began practising kinesiology professionally after opening my therapy room in January 2017.  I continued to eat a sugar-free and wheat-free diet very strictly, and was enjoying getting a little back to normal (though always with a degree of awareness, which I now realise was actually fear disguised as awareness!). I continued to work through past issues and emotions using EFT and kinesiology techniques and had began to feel more human. The lump had reduced by about a quarter, and was now about the size of a peanut in its shell (whereas before it was like a golf ball, though this was puffy so I realise this was surrounded in inflammation).

In August, we had a raid by Trading Standards, and I was accused of Fraud and contravening the Cancer Act as I had the article on my therapy website about my breast cancer journey. At the same time, I was targeted by numerous journalists posing as mothers of autistic sons who wanted to use an oxygen therapy called CDS to ‘cure’ the autism, and subsequently appeared in hit pieces in several mainstream tabloid newspapers (I had previously made CDS but not for this purpose). I kept thinking and saying at the time, it feels like we are under attack, we need to protect ourselves. A few weeks later we had a further raid by Trading Standards and the MHRA which was very stressful, however by this time we began questioning their motives and began standing up for ourselves, as scary as that was! This was followed by a report the size of a phone book detailing over 50 products and product ranges that we had to remove from sale. This would have been the destruction of our family business, so we did not remove most of the items from sale as we realised by now that our rights had been violated and the officer was basically trying to shut us down.

Then, in October, the inflammation came back and had become quite large. I began feeling anxiety and traveled to an emergency thermography appointment, however they confirmed that there was no further activity around the tumour. I was still classed as a ‘2’ risk (on a scale of 1-5, 5 being worst). So I returned with a big sense of relief.

I buried myself in my work, redesigning labels, removing potential health claims from all the literature and websites, and researching into our rights and building a case against the officer who was later dismissed from her duties due to her victimisation of us (which we received the news of just before Christmas shutdown on 23rd December).

From then, and throughout early 2018, my breasts began getting very sore and painful, and increased in size, the left being more extreme than the right. This happened gradually so it didn’t really alarm me at first, though I was getting anxiety attacks. The anxiety was based around “what if this was all wrong and I really had cancer growing”, “what if my body is telling me what I want to hear and not the truth” (as I had even used muscle testing to ask if anything was happening in my body that I needed to be concerned about). I was having sweats, particularly at night, and feeling very tired all the time.

I remained buried in my work as my client base was growing. Then in May I received the beautiful news that my daughter was pregnant, which was a big distraction to the anxiety from the fear of the symptoms I was still experiencing in my breasts and body. I continued with the lymph drainage massage throughout this time, and around June I noticed that the lump could no longer be felt (well, nothing that was not symmetrical to the other breast – symmetry usually indicates normal pathology). In August, I decided to have a thermography check, so I booked in with a different thermography company, expecting to receive excellent news as the lump was gone! I received my report and basically my heart stopped! In 9 months I had gone from a 2 to a 5 in my left breast and from a 2 to a 3 in my right breast!! The anxiety came back with a huge blow and I was thrown into a big black cloud. I could hardly function with worry of heading towards what I considered my imminent death, and I even distanced myself from loved ones so they wouldn’t miss me as much when I was gone.

I muscle tested for what I needed to do. I tested for bioidentical progesterone cream, sea cucumber extract (works with angiogenesis), iodine, magnesium, a diet high in phytoestrogens, D.I.M. (diindolylmethane) and vitamin D3. I spent my time working, meditating with Joe Dispenza’s Changing Beliefs and Perceptions meditation (the only time I didn’t feel anxiety was in meditation), listening to Alan Watts, Wayne Dyer etc, and researching into cannabis oil, as I felt this was what I needed. As the supplements I had muscle tested for showed an obvious hormone imbalance, I knew that pure THC would not be beneficial, and felt guided that I needed a 3:1 ratio of CBD to THC. Not knowing how or where I would obtain this, I simply put the thought of this into one of my meditations.

After a few weeks I went for a small break to Glastonbury where I just happened to be generously gifted some cannabis oil, and to my astonishment this was in the 3:1 ratio that I needed! Had I really manifest this? WOW!

I returned home and my muscle testing revealed that the cannabis oil plus DIM, iodine and magnesium baths was all I needed. I followed this protocol for 2 months and in that time I also had some sound bath sessions which really helped the anxiety. I began feeling the anxiety leave my mind and body, I lost 2 stone in weight and felt better and better each day. The symptoms in my breasts had disappeared, and I felt that this had been resolved. During this time, I felt guided to ask a dear friend of mine who had completed her homeopathy training, if she wanted me as a case study, and she agreed. We had an appointment set mid November after my follow-up thermography scan.

In the meantime I had shared my story briefly with followers of my shop newsletter, and had received an anonymous email with some links to articles on German New Medicine. Being in the anxious state I was in, I couldn’t focus on much of the information, but read enough to determine the conflict relevant to my breast.

My follow-up scan results showed I was still a 5! I was absolutely devastated at first, but then began to question it. I thought “no, I am feeling great, this is not right!” I refused to go back as asked in 3 months, and booked instead for 6 months as a lot of the anxiety was due to giving all my power over to the scan result, so I didn’t want that to be my focus.

I was coming to the end of my cannabis oil supply and couldn’t source any more. I had the last dose on the morning of my homeopathy consultation. My friend put me on a homeopathic remedy, which I was to take using a ‘plussing’ method, meaning the pill is dissolved into water, shaken and sipped every day (increasing the potency each time it is shaken). When I muscle tested on the remedy, I was strong, when I added the cannabis oil I weakened. This told me that my time for cannabis oil was over and I now needed to move to the homeopathy only. On the very day I ran out of oil – the synchronicity bowled me over!

I continued on the homeopathy and after the anxiety had quietened down enough for me to think rationally, I came back to the German New Medicine information I had been sent. I watched the lecture on Five Biological Laws (linked from my article HERE) and it completely blew me away. I began the process of unlearning everything I thought I knew, and realising all the conflicts that I had experienced in my past!

I returned for a thermography scan in June 2019 – still showing a 5. But I actually questioned this as the lump had gone. I was told that I am only a 5 as this score is always given when there is a +1degC difference in temperature between the nipples, and that it could be my normal pathology so I may never get a lower score. In any case, I know from the GNM studies that it is nothing to worry about anyway! So much for that, then! See the Shingles case study that is related to this HERE

So, now having studied all the available GNM Tutorials by Caroline Markolin, and having attended the International GNM Conference in September 2019, I can assess the breast cancer, based on the GNM principles.

This involves information that may not be mentioned in my original account, but I now understand its relevance.

In January 2015 I suffered a Nest Worry Conflict when we sold our family home, and in the process of selling I could not find another suitable home until 2 days before we moved. The process was very rushed and traumatic as I wanted to pull out of the sale and keep the house. This affected my left breast as it was related to nurturing my children and my nest (I am right-handed – see Biological Handedness). This was resolved when we moved to a beautiful farmhouse/small holding (which was my dream!) in November 2015. I began feeling ill around Christmas-time, firstly with fatigue.

In July 2016 I found the lump in my breast. Coupled with the symptoms I was experiencing, this was a clear indication that I was now in the healing phase. This was hindered by the financial stress and moving house.

In December 2016 I had a bad candida infection which I thought at the time was brought on by being too extreme on the ketogenic diet (as I researched that candida can adapt to ketosis). I understand now that this candida overgrowth was instrumental in the healing. However not realising this, I took an invasive treatment to get rid of the candida (a chitin inhibitor called Lufenuron). This greatly would have hindered any healing.

Additionally, I was under a lot of stress the entire year – particularly the stress with the Trading Standards victimisation issue, so this would have slowed the healing phase down which relies on vagatonia (non-stress).

The resolution of the Trading Standards issue was just before Christmas. The symptoms that began afterwards indicated that I was progressing through the healing phase.

As I had many other distractions such as working with clients, still trawling through the amendments required of Trading Standards (thought the fear was now removed as the new officer was nice), and in May 2018, the news that we were expecting our first grandchild, my breasts were basically left alone to get on with what they needed to do! (the news of my daughter’s pregnancy appeared to trigger temporary anxiety of whether I would be here to see him born – likely this was the ‘epi crisis’).

This led to the ‘disappearance’ of the lump around June 2018. The high activity in my thermography scan was the scarring process (phase B healing).

This is the timeline on the GNM Compass (this is an adaptation of an original image from:

Please feel free to comment or ask questions if you would like anything clarified! 

See the Shingles case study that is related to this journey HERE

Further information

You may also wish to view the lecture by Caroline Markolin “The Cause and Natural Healing of Breast Cancer

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