Healthy Chips

Let’s face it, most of us love chips and it is something I have missed so much on my quest for health. Thanks to muscle testing, I have found this healthy way of cooking chips.

All these low fat options are not that great as the potato starch needs fat to bind with it so it lowers the GI of the potato. That is, it stops the starch from breaking down so quickly into sugar. Eating potato without fat has just as much impact on the body as eating spoons of sugar.

So Healthy Chips are home made and deep fried in a very stable oil with its own health benefits.

I use minimally refined Organic Coconut Oil in my deep fryer (this is an old fashioned hob type, but you could use it in any deep fryer). In fact I use it to cook all my fried food in (just like it is lard!). My fat fryer is about half full of coconut oil. It tends to froth up a lot when you lower the chips in so don’t overfill it.

Minimally refined coconut oil has had a small amount of processing to leave no smell or taste. Even though some properties may have been lessened by the refining process, this still remains a very stable oil to cook with – and who wants chips tasting of coconuts? If you want the full benefits of coconut oil, you can always use virgin organic coconut oil in another way (in a smoothie, on the skin, eat it by the spoonful!)


Basically, just cook the chips like you would normally, but here is the method in case!

  • You can use any organic potatoes, or sweet potatoes for a healthier option.
  • Keep skins on (though you may prefer to remove skin on sweet potatoes as it is quite tough)
  • Cut medium sized chips, about 1cm thick
  • Heat oil and pop a chip in until it is bubbling and floating on the surface.
  • Add the rest of the chips into the drainer and slowly lower into the oil. It will froth up so you may need to hold onto it for a few seconds before lowering it further. Once in give them a shake.
  • Cover and they will take around 10-15 minutes to cook through depending on thickness and variety of potato. Give them a shake every 5 minutes or so during cooking.
  • Once they are the desired colour/texture, drain and serve. No need to dab excess oil as it is good for you, and the chips tend to come out fairly non-oily anyway!
  • Add some Himalayan Salt and organic Apple Cider Vinegar
  • ENJOY!!


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