I recently saw this video shared around Facebook but this information could have the opposite effects if taken literally and without being given the whole truth. It is an example of how good information can make it into mainstream and viral feeds, but by only giving the half truth it is not going to make much difference to the majority of people who read it. I always question apparent good information that goes viral and I’ve quickly come to realise that all the information I’ve come across is actually based upon half truths. This could be because:
1. The information has been passed on by someone with good intentions who doesn’t really understand the whole truth
2. The information has been purposefully manipulated to not give the whole truth so that we try the advice and fail and cone to the conclusion thar ‘natural things don’t work’
Do you notice, though, how well-balanced and ‘whole truth’ information rarely goes viral? In my opinion, making the information viral is obviously at the hands of those who are ultimately sponsored and therefore controlled by those whose profits would be affected if any good wholesome information was to go viral. Even seeming excellent advice will often have an important factor left out if it has gone viral. Not always – but often. It does make you think!

This is a good catchy video that has had lots of shares around social media, but it’s a great example of what I just explained. If people took this advice as it is without knowing about these things properly they would just be adding fuel to the fire. In order for the mentioned foods to have the properties claimed:

1. Chocolate – needs to be sugar free and preferably raw (cacao), and at least high in cocoa (min 70%)
2. Red wine needs to have had no sulphur added as sulphites are toxic and carcinogenic (cause cancer), and it needs to be organic to contain resveratrol which is the phytochemical that promotes longevity.
3. Turmeric needs to be organic as the active phytochemical in it (curcumin) is extremely low in concentration in non-organic
4. Berries need to be organic too as the same applies. Their active phytochemicals are extremely low in non-organic.
5. Tomatoes – again must be organic and NO sugar-rich commercial tomato sauce!
6 (&7). Coffee and green tea – commercially processed non-organic will have little to no benefit. Most processing leaves behind toxic components. Freshly ground organic coffee and organic green tea (preferably matcha) not in toxic tea bags (many commercial teabags are bleached and contain plastic).

The reason for requiring organic is because the phytochemical compounds mentioned are the plants natural defense mechanism produced by the plant when they are under stress or attack, so when they are treated with pesticides and weedkillers not only do they absorb these chemicals, but they do not become stressed enough to develop their defenses.

I also need to add that food cannot prevent or cause cancer! As German New Medicine proves, cancer is a meaningful biological programme that is triggered by a trauma/conflict shock and is to ensure our survival and coping of the unexpected shock, and not our demise. However, our choice in foods can wither hinder or support the natural healing process, so we need to be careful to follow a healthy diet.

So please be careful what information you heed and share. If you would like my analysis or advice on any information you have come across, please leave a comment or contact me by email as I am happy to give you my advice or even write an article on it!

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