As experiences, research and study continues along my journey of life and health, I am offering here a summary of anything I have to add to or change to the information in the second edition of my book. This could be new experiences, advances in research or anything like that!
I was hoping to do something similar with my first edition but by the time I thought of it there were already too many updates, so that is when I decided to bring out a new edition instead (especially as I had also ran out of copies), as some sections needed to be completely re-written!

When I add an update on here I will share it to my Facebook page. I will also add it to my newsletters to subscribers to this website, though these newsletters are pretty sporadic at the moment!


We found a few small errors in my book (even though it was proof read 4 times by 4 people!), so I have changed them for subsequent print runs. The worst one was an autocorrect problem where Yogic was changed to Logic thoughout the Yoga section! (Lloyd said if I get famous, the first copies we sold may be a very limited valuable edition  – here’s hoping!!)  Luckily we only had 25 done in the first print run just in case, so these copies really will be a limited edition!

If anyone has received one of these early copies and would like to exchange it for a new copy, please email me.


(all these updates are reflected in the THIRD EDITION – which now supersedes all older editions)!

Candida Plan

Due to learning the irrefutable science of German New Medicine, I now understand that candida is an important part of our healing process. Therefore I would suggest you do not embark upon a candida cleanse without first consulting a therapist who has a firm understanding of GNM so they can assess whether the candida infection you have is actually working for the benefit of your health! 

Some products I mention in the Candida plan are now difficult to get hold of at a reasonable price (we imported them to sell at Shop Holistic but Trading Standards have now prevented this).

Ketogenic Diet

UPDATE AUGUST 2018 – after struggling with keto for the past 6 months, I found out from the recent thermography scan that my hormones (mainly oestrogen/progesterone) are imbalanced.  I have thrived much better off keto, now on an 80% plant based diet high in phytoestrogens but eating a wide variety of foods. I am also fermenting (not personally!), making kombucha, water kefir, milk kefir and sauerkraut which I have 2 portions daily.

Breast Journey

UPDATE 30/4/17 – I have had another thermography scan. I am still placed in the ‘low risk’ category and all surrounding activity to the inactive tumours appears to have greatly reduced.

UPDATE November 2017 – I had another thermography scan as the lump appeared to have come back.  I was worried that all the stress I had been under the past few months from unwanted media attention and Trading Standards victimisation, that the cancer had returned. The images showed the lump as inactive and all surrounding activity further reduced since last time. I am therefore still in the ‘low risk’ category!

UPDATE: August 2018 – At my check up scan, I was graded highest risk in my left breast! Old activity still inactive, lymphs now stated as clear. This is a new area, which the reporting doctor says is consistent with oestrogen imbalance, but also an area with evidence of angiogenesis. Logically, there is no lump to feel, but emotionally I have a lot of anxiety.

UPDATE: November 2018 – follow-up scan shows no change, good that it hasn’t got any worse, but I had hoped for improvement. My cannabis oil has run out just in time for me to begin a homeopathic course of treatment as a case study for my friend who has applied for her licence. Kinsesiology testing has confirmed to me that this is the way to go and once I received my remedy, almost all other supplements are testing as no longer needed. So I am on simply the homeopathic remedy, taking using a ‘plussing method’, magnesium baths, and occasional vit D3 with K2, and Zell Oxygen as a boost when needed. Even my diet has become very relaxed with hardly any foods testing weak for me!

UPDATE: JUNE 2019 – as the lump has gone completely (not felt it sine June 2018). I have not returned for more thermography as having studied German New Medicine, I now understand that there is nothing to fear.

Please read my extensive personal case study with GNM principles in the articles My Breast Journey Part 1 and Part 2.

Allergy Reversal

AUGUST 2018 – after receiving my thermography results showing increased oestrogen activity, I tested my hormones. It showed that I had mis-matched to progesterone, so that is now corrected.

SEPTEMBER 2017 – I recently have been having magnesium deficiency symptoms which were increasing to the point where I had a ganglion cyst on my wrist and calcific tendonitis in my shoulder (very painful!). I discovered through kinesiology testing that I had mis-matched to magnesium and therefore my body was not utilising the magnesium I had been receiving in the bath (and may not even have been absorbing it!) – the energy mis-match is detailed in the Allergy Reversal chapter in the Addendum. After correction of the mis-match, literally both problems disappeared within a week! So the advice I would give regarding this, if you are taking a remedy or a supplement (magnesium or otherwise), and it is not working, it would be worth testing for a mis-match (you will need to find a kinesiologist who is trained in this practice). I will be including this testing much more extensively in my practice.

German New Medicine

After having studied German New Medicine, there are many changes I needed to make in my book, though the majority of the information in the first and second editions still stand, it is just understood in a different way. For example, I would replace all instances of ‘immune system’ with ‘support system’. An immune system is based on the premise that we have to defend ourselves and fight with nature. This is not so as everything in nature is built for survival. GNM has proven without doubt that bacteria such as TB, Strep, Staph, and fungi such as candida, are all instrumental in our healing. Viruses are called into question as to whether they even exist (due to lack of scientific evidence proving their existence as a viable pathogen), and so our immune system actually is a support system that supports the healing of disease, and does not fight disease. Still the supplements, food, products, etc that are beneficial to our support system do not change, but the understanding of it does. So therefore the information in the book remains valid, yet as it is written with the perspective of the old medical paradigm, some parts of the understanding may be inaccurate or invalid when viewed with GNM principles.

The above information is for the benefit of those who have previously purchased older editions of my book.

The First and Second Editions are now out of print, so only the THIRD EDITION is available which has been completely rewritten from the GNM perspective. 


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